Community colleges have such a stigma, but what's the real difference between them and a four-year university? As someone who's done a year at both places, I'm here to give you the rundown on University vs. Community College.
1. You live in a dorm or an off-campus apartment.
2. You have to eat dorm food, which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on where you go.
3. Everything is within walking distance. There's not more than a mile between your dorm and your first class.
4. You have A HUGE selection of clubs and organizations.
5. You can go home and take a nap between classes.
6. It's easier to make friends, especially if you live in a dorm and you're surrounded by people your age.
7. You have more resources for job networking and professional development.
Community College
1. You drive to school and live at home. (Homecooked meals and your own bathroom? Hell yeah!)
2. Your horizons are wider than just a campus.
3. The urge to not get involved and just nap right after school is strong.
4. You pay a lot less in tuition.
5. There are more service opportunities in the surrounding city/area.
6. Your classes are usually longer but not as many times during the week.
7. You meet a wide variety of people.
1. You get a college degree!
2. You have the same amount of homework and classes.
3. You have a football team that everyone probably obsesses over.
In reality, University and Community college aren't that different if you erase the stigma of going local. In the end, it won't matter where you want, as long as you have a degree and fond memories of your college days.