I mean, it’s not surprising that nobody knows Taylor exists. It’s basically in the middle of a cornfield. Usually people just awkwardly smile, nod, and say, “Oh, that’s nice.”
"Where's that?"
Some people at least acknowledge that they have no idea what you’re talking about. But when they ask where Taylor is, saying it’s in Upland doesn’t exactly help. It’s safest to just explain that it’s between Muncie and Marion.
"Is that, like, a Christian thing?"
These are the people who have a vague memory of hearing the name before, but really don’t know what it is. But since no one ever talks about it, it must be a private Christian school, right?
"Isn't there that ice cream place?"
Some people have visited Taylor, but the most memorable thing about the university was its proximity to Ivanhoe’s. No one really knows what that’s called either, but at least they know it’s a staple of Upland.
"Taylor is great! You'll love this year."
The few that actually know of Taylor know it well. Those who have friends or family have attended have heard great things about it. And alumni hold Taylor in a special place in their hearts. Once Taylor becomes a part of you, you treasure it forever.