University is a big change to encounter. You meet people from places you've never even heard of, and it's always quite a little shocking how different your lives are growing up. While not trying to confirm some of the stereotypes of small town living, some them are almost too close to true. With the 2017 seniors impatiently counting down the days till graduation, here are a couple things you may face if when you look outside your window and you're more likely to see a cornfield than another neighbor.
1.) When You See Students Driving Nice Cars.
Coming from an area where families are generally comfortable middle class to low income, it's very normal for teens to be driving whatever can pass inspection. Simply put, it's an adjustment to see.
2.) Bonfires Aren't An Every Weekend Event.
If the logs aren't wet and the ground isn't frozen, every night is a night to have a bonfire, especially during the summer.
3.) Pizza Places Will Actually Deliver To Where You Live.
This is a dangerous privilege some don't even realize that they have. When you live 15 minutes out of town, you quickly learn the line "we don't deliver out there." Coming to university and getting to order and only have to go downstairs to pick it up can quickly make you a candidate for the freshman 15.
4.) When Someone Who Grew Up In A City Tells You About Their Daily Life Back Home.
It's actually really interesting to hear about how other people have grown up, and what they feel is a normal day would actually be a really big deal for you to experience. It's even more entertaining when you crave getting out of the small town environment.
5.) Having Your Friends Live Right Down The Hall From You.
Instead of having to make anywhere from a 5 to 20 minute drive, having to take 5 steps or go down a flight of stairs is way more preferable.