One of the most interesting things about Universities can be the traditions and secrets that they hold! These are some of my favorites. Read through, you might just learn something new!
The Nebraska Bugeaters
Definitely glad that this name got changed. The Nebraska Cornhuskers nickname came from a casual reference to the University of Iowa. A local sportswriter started calling us the Cornhuskers around 1900 and thankfully, nobody remembers we were once the Bugeaters!
Herbie Husker and Lil' Red
Herbie Husker was created as the mascot of the University to represent a typical person in Nebraska. Red polo shirt, boots and jeans; look around on game day and you will realize how right they were! Lil' Red wasn't created until the '90s as a secondary mascot. The crowd wanted someone who could do more crowd surfing and tricks, and thats what we got!
Kissing Columns
You know those columns standing in rows east of Memorial Stadium? Those columns were purchased for $5,000 in 1930 and meant to line the walkway from the Sheldon Art Gallery to Memorial Stadium. This never happened but how cool would that have been? Legend says that if a girl graduates from UNL without being kissed, a column will crumble.
Iron Fence
The fence surrounding the columns also hold some historical significance. This fence originally surrounded the University to prevent cows from wandering onto main campus. They have since been moved and now simply surround the columns.
Ivy Day
This is cited as UNL's longest standing tradition. Beginning in 1889, this day marks the day that the new members of Mortar Board and The Innocents Society are selected as well as being the day that the responsibilities are passed down to the upcoming senior class. This day used to be celebrated by planting a symbolic ivory plant at Love Library.
Corn Bowl
The Innocents Society here at UNL and the University of Iowa's President's Leadership Society exchange the actual Corn Bowl (a large trophy) at the Nebraska/Iowa game each year. This is meant to be a gift from both entire student bodies! This trophy says, "Great is the friendship, but the victory is all the greater!"
The Cornhusker
You may have noticed these old yearbook-type things on the shelves in your fraternity or sorority. You should take a look at them! Until around 1972 these were actual yearbooks that the senior class would produce. They were generally quite controversial, so much so that in 1912 the University took many of them and covered up pages of questionable material with black streaks.
Incase you don't know, Hinsdale is a party held at Architecture Hall each year around Halloween. The funny thing is that this party is actually named after Hinsdale urinals, the largest one being in the men's Architecture Hall bathroom! Go check it out.
Old Glory
Also known as the big red K west of Love Library, this sculpture is supposed to represent freedom. You can maybe see every letter in the alphabet by looking at it from different angles, but I've never been able to do it.