Last week I was bored, attempting to go to bed, I was scrolling through YouTube in hopes of finding a song that would help put me to sleep. As usual, I started to gravitate towards the songs I always played to help me sleep, but this particular night they didn't really seem to be working. So as I was scrolling through various songs and channels, I happened upon a video of Matt Redman singing "10,000 Reasons" in Times Square. Intrigued, I clicked on it and started watching.
One minute in and I was hooked. The very first thing I noticed was the absolute sea of humanity right in the very center of Times Square. It looked like the amount of people who would show up to a Beyoncé concert. Then about two minutes in, my eyes began to open to something else. This beautiful, passionate song about the unending and unfailing love that Jesus has for us was being sung by thousands of believers who all looked completely different. I saw people from different countries with their arms open wide praising the name of Jesus. I saw people of different races standing amongst each other, closing their eyes and taking in the pure beauty of the music, and singing to the Lord.
Honestly, even through a phone screen, it was one of the most powerful things I've ever witnessed. I can't even imagine the power and impact it had on the people physically there. I tried to look at as many people as possible in the video, and I was struck by one thing: Jesus is truly the thing that unifies us all. White, black, Asian, Middle Eastern, European, American, woman, man, gay, straight, child, adult: all of us are humans that Jesus loved enough to die for. See, Jesus didn't come down to Earth to die for just one certain group of people. He came down to save every type of human ever created on planet Earth. And THAT is what truly unifies us as a human race. Because in the midst of the busy, chaotic, loud New York City, thousands of people came together as one for the Lord. We all have our opinions, our flaws, our quirks, and our sins, but at the end of the day, when we come together as one for the Lord, we are stronger than a thousand armies.
"After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands" Lord, let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Revelation 7:9