We the people need to understand that corruption and mistakes will always be present in any entity run by man. For instance, the Government. We are created in Gods Perfect Image, but because of our free will, flawed. We all sin, we all make mistakes and knowing everyone has heard this before, we are not perfect. We are never going to be perfect, and to chase the perfect society where no one suffers, is futile. There will always be inequality and human suffering it is because of our free will that we turn power hungry and on our own cause inequality.
We The People, must unite together as one to fight against violence and corruption, yes corruption will always exist in Government but the Framers of our Constitution saw this and put in place controls for the people to use (i.e. Article 5 Convention of States). We must Unite and fight against an increasingly overreaching and tyrannical government, one that thinks it can just bypass the will of the people, we must use the Constitution to bring this Federal Leviathan back into check and remind the politicians in Washington who they work for.
We The People must speak against those who murder innocence here at home and overseas. Both because of religion and lifestyles, the culprit? Radical Islamic terrorism. Those barbarians murder gays and treat women like second class citizens. They murder Muslims who don’t agree with their extreme perversion of Islam as well as anyone else who will not convert to Islam. We as Americans, both Muslim and non-Muslim, must speak out and unite against this perversion of the Muslim faith.
We The People, cannot let the government Balkanize us and tear us apart from each other with claims of “inequality” and “intolerance”. We are the most tolerant nation in the history of the world. We accept gays for who they are when countries in the middle east they are thrown off buildings and stoned to death. We accept transgender individuals when people in other countries would reject them for being freaks.
We The People, must unite against those who want to silence the people who have unpopular opinions or those who do not agree with our personal opinions. Everyone has the right to free speech rather it be “hate speech” or not because it is protected speech under the first amendment and no one should be afraid of expressing themselves. We must unite against those who want to silence those who speak against “Climate Change” and those who speak out against Big Government ideals.
We The People must unite as one and fight against those who wish to see us divided we must unite against those who would gain by having a Divided United States of America. One who cannot understand each other’s point of view and in the end becomes a one minded country like those in the middle east. Where whenever someone disagrees with the status quo are instantly labeled names such as bigot or xenophobe.
We must unite and remember what made our country great, our love for freedom and our love for small government. The joy of being left alone to live our own lives and to keep what we work so hard to earn the joy to be able to go out and do what we want and not be in fear of being persecuted, Our Love for The Constitution.