Imagine. A student trying to get home after a vacation in Iran. An Olympic medalist having to tell his children he can't come home. A man selling his home and taking his family to start a new life in America. But, only to be told that they can't come to America because they are of a certain nationality. They can't come because of a man's hate-filled and bigoted agenda.
Every day, it breaks my heart to hear these stories of those trying to flee injustice or wanting to make a better life for themselves, but can't do it in America because of their origin or the fact that they are from an Islamic dominant country.
We are a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of unity and compassion. We are a safe harbor for those fleeing injustice and intolerance. We are a nation of rights and freedoms. Donald Trump does not represent unity and compassion. Rather, he represents hate, ignorance, and oppression.
To all refugees: I'm sorry that a man's hate-filled and bigoted agenda is crushing your vision of the American Dream. I'm sorry that such a hateful, arrogant man was elected to take the highest office in this country. I'm sorry that you are being prejudiced due to your origin or home country because of one's actions. I'm sorry that you will possibly have to go back to where you started and face the inevitable. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will continue to fight for you and make sure you have the same opportunities as every American gets to have. Your voice will be heard and I, as well as many others, will see to it that you will walk out of the airport, hop on that plane to the United States and to a brighter future for you and your family. You are not alone. We will stand by you and we will walk through the storm with you until it's over.
Like the beginning of the Preamble to the Constitution, "We the People of the United States." We are united against hate, oppression, ignorance, injustice, and intolerance. We are united by courage, unity, and a drive to stop the injustices happening in this country because of one man's hatred.
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