Among the headlines and hashtags that seem to catalyze the conversation of corporate and social media these past few weeks, "Black Lives Matter" and "Blue Lives Matter" are at the top of the list. They are movements, created by those who've felt oppressed and betrayed by each other as the lives of their loved ones were seemingly taken at the drop of a hat. While both have rallied immense support from the American public, the true nature of the subject is that both should rally immense criticism and condemnation from the American public. One may ask his or herself, why? Surely "Black Lives Matter" will play a crucial role in the modern-day fight against injustice for the black community? And surely "Blue Lives Matter" will acknowledge the integrity of the men and women who protect and serve the public? How could anyone who cares about the lives of African-Americans and the lives of law enforcement stigmatize such movements? Well it's actually quite simple why we should and how we should.
Why? Both movements are retrogressive, divisive and not only perpetuate but thrive off of each other's resulting chaos and violence. When some activists combatting police brutality hear people standing up for the lives of law enforcement, they perceive it as a disregard for the lives of all African-Americans. And likewise, when some activists standing up for the lives of police officers hear others standing up for those of the black community, they assume that the police force, as a whole, is going unrecognized, and being plotted against. Fires of hostility and rage are ignited in, not every supporter, but enough to harm more than help the cause.Actions begin to cascade from this point. Law enforcement kills or becomes overly aggressive toward African-Americans. And civilians, regardless of their skin color, vocalize hate, kill, threaten or stage violence against law enforcement with intentions of revenge. The recent killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, the hostility from police toward all protestors, even the nonviolent, as well as the massacre of five officers in Dallas, three officers in Baton Rouge and the numerous threats toward and shots taken at police around the country within the past few weeks exemplify the war these movements are facilitating. Black vs. Blue is the new norm.
How? We should not encourage our fellow citizens to turn their backs on each other. We should encourage blue lives and black lives to stand hand in hand and condemn all killing, all violence and any threat toward any American regardless of their race or their occupation. We should encourage African-Americans, minorities and white people--who don't already know-- to come to terms with the truth that not all law enforcement is out to get them or their family and friends, that not all law enforcement approves of the terrible actions of their fellow police officers. The majority are hard working men and women who seek to do their jobs correctly and uphold any and all moral baggage that comes along with protecting those of their communities. We should encourage police officers to publicly speak out against the actions of their fellow officers, to acknowledge the abuse of power, and to no longer perpetuate it by upholding a citizen's constitutional rights and following proper procedure when arresting someone, shooting to wound not to kill and finally, to simply acknowledge civilians in a friendly manner. This reiterates law enforcement's purpose and desire to protect and help people rather than give them an ominous sense of paranoia or fear for their lives.
Conversation is key to combatting this divide. We must ignore the color of skin or the color of uniform and stand in each other's shoes. We must encourage unity. We must encourage protection and acknowledgement of every life and liberty in this country. Movements like "Black Lives Matter" and "Blue Lives Matter" are spread ignorantly by ordinary people who are blind to their danger and divisiveness but are promoted consciously by the media and those who seek to divide and conquer us. In turbulent times like these we must remember that united we stand and divided we fall. It is absolutely time we put these movements on the back burner and come together as a nation to stop all of the hate, violence and murder and to bring any injustice that is done in the dark to the light.