With the inauguration of our 45th president of the United States, Mr. Donald Trump, it is times where many of our opposing views of the new leader may clash. There are a multitude of various protests around our country, and you'll only know that if you don't live under a rock. However the patterns are like the same with Obama's presidency as well. Not everyone can agree with the elected official and their views now in power, but we as a nation must agree to stand together over everything.
The views of our newly elected leader cause conflict within many different groups of society. Yet alas the smashing and vandalism of buildings cannot change our fate. Trump has been sworn in, and unless you're an illegal citizen residing here, he is your president. You may say all you want about how he isn't, but by the transfer of power as of January 20th, a new leader was put into office. You may feel as if in your mind he is not the one you call your leader, but ultimately he is the top tier in our nation and has the most power to make our nation greater, as he says in his slogan "Make America Great Again!" or sufficiently worse.
Even with the protests, Trump will not be eliminated from this position on pure hate for him. The only way our nation can change for the better is to unite as one, fight for equality and have some trust in the man we elected for a possible four to eight years. I am no politician by any means, but I do understand that the United States is at war with itself based on one man, which will not make our nation great. Better yet, it highlights our flaws and showcases our low rankings in income distribution and such, as seen in the CIA World Factbook.
As a nation, I urge you to see the opinions of both sides, as neither of the candidates that ran for the presidency was perfect nor had all the best intentions for the citizens of the U.S. in mind. If we unite together, we can conquer the demons and fears of right loss that we are facing here today. Today we must stand as citizens together as one nation, under nobody.