Why I'd Rather Travel In The United States Than Abroad | The Odyssey Online
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Why I'd Rather Travel In The United States Than Abroad

She's America the Beautiful, after all.

Why I'd Rather Travel In The United States Than Abroad
According to D

With the ease and widespread availability of commercial airline travel, international travel is easier than ever before. Many people from the United States dream of traveling the world, visiting famous cities and experiencing different cultures. While there are certainly benefits to international travel such as trying different foods, experiencing different traditions and seeing a different way of life, those who solely travel internationally are missing out on all the wonderful things the United States has to offer.

The United States serves as a “melting pot” for different cultures, and certain areas of the country receive different influences. Thus, different regions in the United States each have their own distinct American culture. Traveling to these different regions allows for one to experience unique foods and a different way of life, all while learning more about how other people live in the United States. I can certainly attest to this from my own travels. Living in New York my whole life, I am used to a fast-paced environment where it is frowned upon to talk to a stranger on the street or to be overly-friendly. People do not just walk up to you and begin a conversation, and if for some reason they decide to, you probably think they are crazy. However, in other parts of the country, this behavior is acceptable and widely practiced. A few weeks ago, I traveled to South Carolina and Georgia and experienced “southern hospitality” first hand. Everyone I encountered was extremely friendly and it was nice to meet such friendly people.

Not only do you experience different cultures, you are also able to see different landscapes and scenery. One of the most interesting aspects of traveling to different parts of the United States is seeing how the landscape can quickly and drastically change as you travel from state to state, and even within the state. For example, parts of Arizona have many rock formations on both sides of the road, while other parts are flat deserts with the occasional cactus. Yet, both of these landscapes are equally as interesting. Unfortunately, not all areas have their natural landscapes fully intact. However, the federal government has done their best to preserve these landscapes by establishing National Parks. Often, these National Parks offer breathtaking views, an abundance of wildlife and many enjoyable outdoor activities.

Furthermore, by traveling in the United States, you can learn more about the history of the nation as a whole by visiting historical sites, museums and cultural exhibits. Each state has its own claim – or even claims to fame that are certainly worth visiting. The United States is home to beautiful beaches and places with many fun things to do.

By traveling to different parts of the United States, you can learn more about our great nation as a whole and better understand the other people living in America. Additionally, it helps you to have a better sense of why certain political decisions are made and why some are more popular than others in different parts of the country. In the end, you can learn just as much by traveling domestically as you can while traveling internationally.

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