Why The United States Needs To Host An Olympics | The Odyssey Online
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Why The United States Needs To Host An Olympics

Los Angeles could fulfill that chance for us as early as 2024.

Why The United States Needs To Host An Olympics

The amazing 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio came to a close on Sunday, and people already have their sights set on Tokyo 2020. If you're really looking into the future like I am, then you might even be thinking about the 2024 Summer Olympics as well. The bad news is that a host city has not yet been chosen, but the (really) good news, is that an American city is a serious candidate to host the 2024 Olympic Games. Alongside the other three candidate cities, Rome, Paris, and Budapest, is our nation's very own, Los Angeles. Although it might seem like 2024 is so far away, the bidding process is a very long and tedious process and Los Angeles is already doing all it can to be the best candidate for the games. It is definitely the United States' turn to host an Olympics, and here are a few reasons why we need to be chosen for 2024.

We haven't hosted a Summer Olympics since 1996 or a Winter Olympics since 2002.

Even though the United States has hosted the most Olympic Games with a grand total of eight, four Summer Olympics and four Winter Olympics, it has almost been 15 years since we've hosted last. Also, being that the host cities have already been chosen for each Olympic Games up until 2024, we will not even have an opportunity to host the games until the summer of that year. At that point, it will be over 20 years since we've hosted last. That might not seem like that long, but for someone who loves the Olympic Games and was only 6 years old for the last one on home soil, it feels like an eternity.

Some could argue that other countries should have an opportunity to host an Olympics, and I completely agree; however, Beijing, which hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics, has already been chosen to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, just 14 years later. Also, Asia is hosting the next three Olympic Games, with South Korea hosting the 2018 Winter Olympics and Japan hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics to precede Beijing in 2022. There definitely needs to be a change of pace in 2024, and the United States would be the perfect candidate to offer such a change.

We already have all the resources to put on a safe, accepting, and state-of-the-art Olympic Games.

There has been so much controversy surrounding some of the previous Olympic host countries: crime and poverty in Brazil, smog in China, and doping and strong opposition to LBGT efforts in Russia. Although each of these venues went above and beyond to overcome these issues, I think there needs to be a host country in which there will be minimal doubts, AKA the United States. Of course, no place is perfect, but the US would be a great candidate to host the games. We are accepting of all cultures, all LGBT efforts, and all ways of life, making for a great atmosphere for every person and every nation involved. In addition, our national security and police forces are top-of-the-line, ensuring a safe Olympic Games for all.

Although the Olympics is based around sports, technology has also become an important aspect of the games in recent years. We are one the most innovative countries in the world, and Los Angeles' proposal for 2024 will definitely showcase that with their plans to become the most solar -powered Olympic Games in history, which is both innovative and great for the environment! Also, because there are already so many world-class sporting venues in Los Angeles already, much more of our efforts can be put into achieving these goals and making the Olympics the best it can be without having to put so much time and effort into creating new stadiums. It's a win-win situation if you ask me!

And, we're clearly just the best.

At the Rio Olympics, the United States won the most medals with a whopping 121 total medals. Great Britain and China were the only other countries to come (remotely) close to that total, with 67 medals and 70 medals respectively. Some highlights from Team USA include winning 33 medals in swimming, the most since 2000, 32 medals in track and field, and 9 medals in women's gymnastics, the most for the team in its history. In addition, the United States is home to some of the most talked about athletes of this Olympics, including Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian ever, Simone Biles, who has been called the best female gymnast of this generation, along with Allyson Felix (track), Kerri Walsh Jennings (beach volleyball), and Venus Williams (tennis), who all became the most decorated female athletes in their sports.

With all of this success, the United States should absolutely have the opportunity to compete in its home country. We certainly don't need the "home field advantage," but it would be incredible for us spectators to be able to support our athletes on our own soil. Also, I'm sure that the athletes would love to compete in front a home crowd, filled with their friends, family, and greatest supporters. Nothing brings people together better than the Olympics, and what place is better to do it than the USA? Answer: nowhere.

I hope you're crossing your fingers for Los Angeles 2024, because I certainly am!

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