I really did not feel compelled to write this piece, but as days passed after the election, I felt like Americans needed a little light shed on the situation. Tuesday night was a very nail bitter situation as millions of Americans were anxiously waiting for results, but in the wee hours of the mornings as you already know Donald Trump was declared our President. Whether you support him or not, it happened and all we can do is move forward. It is understandable to be a little frustrated at first if your candidate lost, but what I saw on social media was complete HATRED from both parties. My heart began to ache after just a few seconds of reading several posts that were filled with the same wretched lies. Hillary supporters calling every Republican racist and sexist, but then Republicans accusing Democrats of being upset because they can't be baby killers anymore and they might actually have to get a job.
My biggest problem is the defamation with these posts. If you are ever going to make a post on social media, my hope is that you do your research first and think about the repercussions of calling people names. Bashing someone for voting for either candidate is not making a difference, it is only hurting their image of you. This election has truly brought light to the brokenness in this country. It does not matter which candidate would've won, the problem lies deeper than politics. America needs to remember that their forefathers built a country that is united instead of one that is trying to tear each other apart even before Trump is in office. We need to give him a chance because even before he was declared into the oval office God had a purpose for all of this. So I choose him. Even when the world may fall apart God will unite me with my fellow Christians.
"I count my blessings every single day that I am an American, and I still believe as deeply as I ever have that if we stand together and work together with respect for our differences, strength in our convictions and love for this nation, our best days are still ahead of us. Because, you know, I believe we are stronger together, and we will go forward together. And you should never, ever regret fighting for that."
-Hillary Clinton
I stand by who I voted for, no matter the outcome. Mainly because before I did cast my vote it was backed by lots of prayers, not by something someone influenced me on or what social media wanted to shove down my throat. I cast my vote to God and let him decide for me and my future generations to come. My political views do not define me at all, but my heavenly father does. We all should be grateful to live in a country that we are able to exercise our rights so freely and to have a choice. There is no greater ruler than my God and even when I am filled in a world of ruins I choose him. Not many countries are able to practice their religion so openly and in several cases it's a jail sentence or even worse a death threat. So when you are complaining about how damaged America is now, just remember how lucky we are to live in a country where every day we wake up and are in control of our own lives. We do not have to live our lives according to some dictator, but we get the opportunity of choices of what to wear, what to eat, and what our day consists of. Not every country is so lucky. So remember that next time, you get frustrated with what a political figure is saying, because we truly are blessed.
"Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor."
-1 Peter 2: 13-17
If you are searching for something to believe in during this time of a new era turn to God, I promise he won't disappoint. He has a lot more to offer than any political candidate. He won't make promises he can't keep and he surely will only provide you with what he knows is best. Trump is only a stepping stone to making a difference in this world and I truly believe he can be exactly what America needed because God overpowers all and will shine through every dark day. Just remember not everyone was too happy when Obama became president and others were not overly joyed when Bush won a second term, the fact is people will never be SATISFIED. Just like every other President, Trump can definitely not run this country alone. He needs the backing of Americans, to put aside our differences and unite together instead of letting the cracks get worse in this time of turmoil. God wants the world to be filled with an Agape love and I believe we can get there if people stop attacking each other on Facebook, but giving their fears and hopes over to God. My dream is that eventually when God softens the hearts of Americans there will just be a different aroma in the air, people will be less concerned about themselves and more concerned about spreading the love of Christ.
These next four years will fly and a hundred years from now it won't matter what the numbers were on the election day. What will matter is what we as Americans make of it. Are we going to continue to burn flags and vandalize government property, or are we going to be outspoken in the right ways while still respecting our country. God hears every prayer, so why don't you take a moment and just pray for the future state of our country. I promise it does not hurt to be vulnerable about your concerns he will be the greatest listener. I truly believe the church can speak volumes in the next four years if people do not lose sight of what is important.
So whether you are, Democrat or Republican, you still share life with amazing people who have different beliefs than you. So stop trying to attack each other with hatred, but show grace in times of disagreement. We are not going to accomplish anything if Americans do not start living for the love of each other and believing in something. Just like Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Ceasar Chavez, and Nelson Mandela, they all had a dream and it took the uniting of people to make a difference. You can be that one person who breaks down the walls of hurt and fear, and shows love to those who need something to believe in.
We need to "Make America Great Again", by making God the driving force of our country. We need to "Drain The Swamp" by first reevaluating our hearts.