Recently I got around to watching "Independence Day: Resurgence" and although I personally thought it was a good action film it was definitely in no way as good as the original and had a very poor storyline. This film intrigued me in a specific way.
While watching the film I realized that ever since the aliens attacked, the whole human race became united. Different races all started working together to defend their homes from these invading forces. From this I realized that in this universe the biggest threat to every individual would be the aliens. There is a specific scene in where all the major countries' leaders converse on what to do about the alien invasion. This included countries that America, in our world, would not consider allies. However, in this universe every country seems to be on good terms. All of the countries, despite their disagreements, have banded together and united as one.
It's obvious that in our society different countries are not all on good terms. There's always turmoil with North Korea and the Middle East; for America with China and Russia still being considered our enemies. This isn't just America alone, all the other countries have nations they keep close and others they don't want to interact with. This does not just apply to countries as a whole but also applies to the individuals in said countries. There is a gap between gender, age, race, sexual orientation, job, and many more.
While there is plenty of division between many different groups of people, I'd like to shine a light on a specific division: Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter.
I'd like to point out that what I'm going to state are my opinions on this. In no way are my ideas correct in any form and you may agree with me or disagree; either way it's fine.
These two movements have received a large amount of media in the past week with many members from African American groups and police officers being murdered. Personally, I believe murder is a hard topic to justify in any sense and it's very difficult for me to actually choose a specific side. What I do believe, however, is that no innocent individual deserves to die. No matter what side you may take I do not agree with the unjust killing that is being done. Our world is in turmoil and it may not be obvious, but there is a solution to this.
I am not African American, so I do not know what it is like to face prejudice as such, and I will never have the best image to look at since i was raised in a half white, half Filipino home. I am not a police officer, nor am I the child of a police officer, so I have no idea how it is to see a parent or relative to leave for work risking their life protecting citizens. I do not have any personal relationship to these two sides. I do however realize that people who are personally involved in these groups will side with their specific side. I'm writing this to show that siding with specific sides does not help end the problem but actually causes more division in a time of chaos.
Yes, it brings Black Lives Matter individuals together. Yes, it brings Blue Lives Matter individuals together. However, with these groups brings two large amounts of people to hate on each other. Racism is real in our society and it's appalling to actually see that some cops are racist towards African Americans. Although it may be true that there are racist cops out there it doesn't mean every cop is racist. This in the same way goes with there are some criminals out there, who are African American, that deserve to be detained by cops for breaking the law, but this doesn't mean every African American is a criminal. This profiling is definitely a flaw in society that needs to be fixed.
I'd like to say that the solution for this is to not create separate groups to be against others but actually unite everyone as ones. Yes black lives matter, and it's true they have been oppressed. With certain communities having their own race killing each other it's sickening to see so many die by the hands of cops. Yes, police lives matter, and it's true they risk their lives everyday they work. Everyday an officer leaves their home for work they risk their life from dying from a majority of people and not just from a specific race but by all races. Also, every life does matter and I'm not saying the solution is "All Lives Matter" because that's not the solution.
Back to "Independence Day: Resurgence." With the invasion of aliens, turmoil has entered the earth causing all people to unite as one. This is the solution we need, to unite as a single being, as the human race. We're all humans no matter how we're raised or who we are. We all have different things about us but at the end of the day. we end it as a human. We live as humans, we're raised as humans, and we die as humans. Once the world is able to grasp this concept, then change can come. This division of groups will not solve the chaos in the world. Peace will only come once we all put aside our differences and join together. Now obviously it won't be easy, so maybe we will need a alien invasion to unite us all. However, I am on the side of uniting the human race as a whole because I want this world to change for the better. Are you with me?