Dear fellow Odyssey writer,
I recently read your piece on the It's Okay To Wear Leggings As Pants Because No One Asked You, That's Why article that includes the United Airlines views. I want to start off by saying thank you for voicing your opinion and idea on the recent events that happened on one of United Airline's flight. But, I want to say a few things to you.
Sadly, you were misinformed on the information, and that is okay. The media seemed to misinform many of people. I want to enlighten you so that in the future, you know that passengers are not being "targeted" or "sexualized" for their clothing. They just aren't following the rules.
You see, the two young girls were flying on a United Airline Crew Member's pass. That means that they were flying as space available. Because of this, they are flying for free and hence they must follow a dress code. The rule is for every pass rider. Not just little girls. Not just women. Men and boys as well. It is put in place because the people who are flying on the free passes are not only representing the crew members of the airline but the company itself.
Many find this process confusing, and that is okay. I have been a part of a flight attendant's family for my entire life and I know the rules and how to follow them. You dress to impress because you aren't a customer that has paid money for your flight.
United's attire for pass riders is as followed: "The prohibition of form-fitting lycra/spandex tops, pants, and dresses. No flip flops, No spaghetti straps. "
Basically, you are to wear business casual clothes. It does not matter how long the flight is. If you are a pass rider, you must follow the rules; or you'll be asked to change, just like the little girls were. United Airlines constantly reminds their employees (and their families) that they are a representation of a very powerful company. If a jury showed up to trial in shorts or leggings and Birkenstocks, that wouldn't be acceptable. Would it? Why would it be any different for an airline company?
I was on a plane ride from San Francisco, California, to Sydney, Australia on a family pass. That is a fifteen-hour plane ride. Guess what I wore as pants? JEANS. Want to know why? Because it's the rules and if I don't, I could get myself in trouble or worse, I could get my family member in trouble.
So, I'm truly sorry that you and so many others seem to be confused on what this whole controversy is about. Maybe you did not research enough before you wrote your piece, or maybe you just didn't care. Maybe you only followed what the mainstream media aired. I'm not quite sure. Next time you or others go and try accuse an entire company of being sexist and sexualizing women and children, research the topic and get both sides of the story first.
Welcome to the friendly skies.