No introduction required. Let's get to it!
1. Teach your dog how to jet ski.
2. Or your cat to water-ski.
3. This is an option.
4. Procrastinate with your friends by taking as many pictures as you can while doing dumb/awesome/unique things.
5. Microwave a peep?
6. Reenact music videos, alone or with friends.
7. You could also reenact scenes from movies if music videos aren't your thing.
8. Perhaps you could buy a piñata.
9. Pretend you're on Top Chef and make meals using the five ingredients you have left in your mini fridge.
10. Imagine what your life would be like if you were an elephant.
11. Stare at people in a public place to see what kind of reactions you get.
12. I have nothing to say about this GIF, but it made me laugh:
# relatable
13. Learn to fight. (Or pretend you already know how.)
14. Plan out your entire summer.
I want to relax in a pool with a nice, cold drink on July 17th at 3:30 p.m.
15. You could read a book, maybe.
16. Ponder life.
You could also ponder about what Batman is pondering about in this .gif.
17. Teach yourself how to do this:
18. This would also be cool to learn how to do:
19. Convince people you’re a psychic and give them readings.
Be sure to light candles, wear funny clothes, etc.
20. I'd say reading this post would help you procrastinate, but you already did. You could share this with your friends.
See if it inspires any other creative ways of procrastination!