Laptop? Check. Portable phone charger? Check. Travel mug of coffee? Double check.
My college backpack may be full of some very important material items, but what about the things that aren't so tangible?
1. Curiosity
First and foremost, I'm going away to college for learning. So whether I'm curious about a new concept in class, or want to learn more about a new classmate, I need to push myself to ask the questions that I have. I won't ace a test or make a great new friend if I don't try to get some answers.
2. Humility
Congratulations on winning your high school football championship. I'm sure you studied very hard to get that great ACT score. However, everyone else walking the school hallways did great things that allowed them to get into this school. Be humble, and your talents will soon show themselves naturally.
3. An Open Mind
My new college is substantially bigger than my old high school. With this large size comes an abundance of new people and opportunities. I need to challenge myself to be accepting of everyone and everything that presents itself to me, and hopefully I'll fall in love with something that I never expected to be a fan of!
4. A Competitive Spirit
I will be surrounded by tons of other students fighting for the same internships, working just as hard in the classroom and practicing for those intense intramural events. I need to take the extra step in order to set myself apart. I can't be a sore loser or a cocky winner, but make sure I'm actively trying to establish myself as a hard worker.
5. Spirit of Service
Personally, I will be going to school in the Bronx, New York. I am thankful that this offers an abundance of unique service opportunities, as it is an area that has suffered from some neglect. I should search out ways in which I can also serve the community of my college, whether it be just grabbing a group of friends to help someone out or a more organized service mission. Remember -- my college is my home, and I want to show my appreciation for my home.
6. Fear
I'm going to be away from home, without my parents, surrounded by thousands of strangers. I should be afraid! But I can't let my fear take over my life. I need to be aware that 2,000 other freshmen on campus are feeling the exact same fears as me. If I open up and talk to my classmates, I'll probably find that it's pretty easy to bond over some of our worries, and then we can help each other through it!
7. The Golden Rule
"Treat others as you want to be treated." This is easy, important and doesn't really need to be elaborated on. I'm meeting tons of new people, and I want it to go well. So, stick this one in the front pocket of my backpack.
8. Memories of My Family
You know how much you miss sleeping in your own big bed every night and constantly having plenty of clean clothes? Your family misses you even more than that! You don't have to call them every single night before you go to bed, but sending a quick text every now and then will make them SO happy. They are the ones who are going to support you through every step of my college journey, and they want to get updates on my life!
9. Confidence
When I fail an assignment for the first time, it's definitely going to suck. But, I need to remind myself that I worked hard to get into this school, and I deserved that acceptance letter! I need to have confidence that I made the right choice for my college years, and it will feel like home in no time.
10. A Spirit of Adventure
Whether you're 30 minutes away from home or on the other side of the country, your college is your new home. I need to take the time to go out and explore my surroundings. It's a guarantee that there are new fascinating places and things for me to discover both on and off campus.
What's in your backpack?