On a cold winter day, the snow flakes gently fall to the ground, each flake uniquely designed to reflect His majesty's limitless creativity. The flakes fall upon one another, without the intention to replace.
How can something so one-of-a-kind replace another that is equally as unique?
A human being is even more intricately designed. From their physical appearance to their very heartbeat that streams life through the body, the human soul and the human mind all contribute to this rare specimen that can't be replicated.
Unique is but a small term used to describe how vastly distinct we all are. Very diverse, yet interconnected by the human experience. Priceless, yet devalued, people treat the next man like a trend. We value the artistry of items and look down upon our very own existence.
What is it that causes us to see each other with blurred vision? Shouldn't the ingenious design behind our very life force be enough to make us show each other some respect? Clothing, cars, etc. receive more respect for the simple purpose of being used and thrown away.
Broken hearts, wounded souls, what will it take for us to see the poor man that begs at our front door? To be created without the error of duplication is but a minute part of what makes us priceless. Although one is not like the other, our similarities lie in our ability to connect and relate with each other; in other words, through empathy. Like the verified snow flakes, we can build each other up, and in doing so, melt away the walls our struggles have created.