We all find ourselves doing things that aren't good for us at one time or another, but we do them anyways. It's inevitable to feel crappy about a bad decision you made months ago. But you feel that way because you learned from it and now know it's just a little too late to fix it. You then become stuck in a cycle of unhappiness looking back at poor decisions, while you continue to make poor decisions out of habit. It sucks, I know, but it doesn't have to be permanent. The only one who can make the changes necessary to be happier is you. So, here are some unhealthy habits you should try to break to make yourself happier all around:
1. Holding yourself back
Never let another person get in the way of your own success. Seriously, don't do it or you can add it to your list of regrets you'll keep looking back at. You have goals and dreams that will come true if you just don't stop trying. You are in charge of your life and will miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take. Never hold yourself back or bring yourself down, because there are going to a ton of people trying to get in the way of your bright future, just don’t help them do it.
2. Having harmful relationships
This can be with friends, or significant others, anyone. Maybe they start out fantastic, you think this person is really going to be a big part of your life, but usually they are harmful right from the start. You eventually will get the gut feeling that these people only bring you down, make you lose your self worth, they are actually poisonous to your well-being but you don’t know what to do about it. Don’t avoid ending it because you don’t know how to bring it up, you don’t want to make things awkward, or you don’t want to lose mutual friends. This is your life, you need to do what is best for you.
As much as you love this person, there comes a time that you have to say to yourself, “Is this relationship good for me? Is it more helpful then harmful? Do they make me feel good about myself? Do they support me? Would they go out of their way for me like I do for them?” If the answer to almost all of these questions is “no” you need to re-evaluate your relationship with them.
Talk to them, tell them how you feel, tell them you love them but you want what is best for you also. Honestly, talking is the best thing for these situations and if they see your P.O.V. they will understand and try and solve the issue. And if not, they aren’t worth your time anyways.
3. Being a doormat
I’m not telling you to stop being a nice person. What I’m saying is stop being afraid to speak up for yourself, stop getting walked all over by others, and stop being taken advantage of. If this is the case, you might be a doormat and that’s not good for you. You can’t let other people take advantage of you. You are your own advocate, and you can’t rely on anyone else to stick up for you. Stand up for yourself. No one else is going to. Don’t worry that it will make others think less of you (it won’t unless you’re rude about it). Speak up for yourself, because some people might not even realize they’re taking advantage of you.
4. Bottling up your emotions
You don’t have to put everything out there. It’s really okay if you’re a private person and want to keep some things to yourself.However, if something is bothering you, hurting you, or affecting your life negatively, you shouldn’t just bottle it up. If you do, eventually you’re going to explode.
Talk it out. Talk to people you trust. If you need to, go see a therapist. It doesn’t make you crazy, and it’s nothing to be ashamed about. It’s their job to listen to you.
5. Doing work you don’t enjoy or believe in
Nothing is harder than getting up in the morning and getting ready to go to work at a job you don’t enjoy. In the long run, you’ll be happier getting paid to do something you enjoy.
I’m not saying to up and quit your job, because we all need to pay the rent somehow. I’m just saying to maybe look for a different job if the time is right. Make a change in your professional world. Taking those classes and/or working towards a degree in a field you enjoy might be beneficial for you. It’s something you can get paid to do, plus you also enjoy doing.
6. Comparing yourself to others
Especially if it’s on social media, which is where everyone puts their best face out there to try and make their life look great. The reality of that is nobody is exactly what their profile says. No one is going to brag about the bad things going on in their life. When you compare yourself like that, you’re coming your worst self to their best self.
Stop comparing yourself to other people. It’s not a competition. If you make it one, nobody wins. The only person you’re really hurting in the end is yourself.
7. Having no social life
Yes, working hard is important. You should always try your best in work and school and avoid being lazy or a slacker.
That being said, working isn’t the only thing. People are social creatures by nature. We need to go out every once and a while and do something fun. Socializing can help you to unwind and de-stress, which, in turn, will help make you happier. Join an intramural sports team at school with friends or join that club you’ve thought about joining. You’ll make other friends, get some exercise (which is also super important for your health and happiness), and have a blast. All and all just try to do other things with your friends, family, or coworkers for fun. Go to a game, go for a weekend trip, see that movie that just came out. Just have fun!