I sat in my car thumbing through a big white binder I got during my Young Life leader training trying to remember everything I needed to know about being a Young Life leader. What to say, what not to say, when to say it, how to be funny/cool, all of the works. It was my first day of my first club as a Young Life leader.
I had no idea what to expect, my mind both excited and foggy with fear, I got out of my car and walked into the school. What happened next can only be described as life changing.
A Young Life leader is an individual who is placed on a team that they are assigned to, into a school that that team is assigned to. There are many different branches, college, high school, middle school, Capernaum, Young Lives and an abundance more including an international group. We call our "club" a party with a purpose. Nothing but silliness and throwing pie in people's faces.
I walk into this school full of nervous and sweaty people, scratch that. I was the only nervous and sweaty person. I remember thinking to myself, I am way in over my head.
I am welcomed by my new Young Life team, I now call them my Young Life family.
I am a Wyldlife leader which is a division of Young Life dedicated to middle schoolers. Little did I know that these middle schoolers would teach me more about myself than I ever could fathom.
So, back to that first club. I'm nervous and sweaty and I don't know what to do with my hands and I'm the most awkward one in the room. Then it hits me, that's how every middle schooler in this room feels, that's why Jesus placed me here. I need to remind these beautiful people that they are not alone.
During club we play the most outrageous games. We run across a field with an egg on a spoon, we fill oreos with tooth-paste, we try to stick as many candy corns on our friends face with whipped cream and so much more. Sometimes, I think the leaders get more competitive than the kids do!
Every club a leader gives a talk where they share a story and tell the kids how Jesus helped them through it. This is by far my favorite part. I look around the room at all of our middle school friends, all so different from each other but equal in the eyes of God.
They are so loved.
So are you.
I am with them and Jesus is right on their side, always.
As a Wyldlife leader it is my job to reach to every corner of the school to tell them all about Jesus' great love for each and every one of them. To tell them about His unconditional forgiveness and remind them that He has a plan for us, He always does. As Young Life leader's we always stand up for the kids and show up for them, everytime.
We are silly and kind. We are humbled by Grace but loud with joy. We sing, we cry. We share our stories and we dance to every beat of every heart. Most importantly, we love. We love everyone, just like Jesus does.
And boy do those middle schoolers love us back.
There are two great love stories in Young Life, the one between the leader and the kids and the one between us all and Jesus.
Younglife is all about that love story, learning about it living through it and being in a community of it.
You were made for this.
Being a Young Life leader is hard work, it can get messy. But aren't the best things in life the ones that are the most arduous? They bring the best endings.
Becoming a Young Life leader has been the best thing to ever happen to me. I've seen in these kids more of Jesus' perfect crafting and plans through them than ever before.
Young Life is more than just a group, it is a movement.
“You’re my cave to hide in, my cliff to climb. Be my safe leader, be my true mountain guide. Free me from hidden traps; I want to hide in you. I’ve put my life in your hands. You won’t drop me, you’ll never let me down.” Psalm 31:3-5
Jesus is our ultimate leader. He never fails.