College. One word, a thousand different meanings depending on who you ask, but to me college has only one meaning, friendship. Now, if my parents are reading this, then I assume I should say that college means education, but if we are being honest, to me friendship means more than any job ever will. Now we all have that one friend, the one who makes the biggest impact in our lives though we may not fully see it, the friend that we take for granted because we know they will always be there, the friend that you can truly count on. This friend for me has not only taught me how to breakout of my awkward shell, but how to live life to the fullest because you only get one shot at it.
This friend of mine suffered a great loss at a young age. She lost her boyfriend about three years ago in a horrible car accident and it is something that I know she thinks about daily. Still, she manages to ask me about my day, listens to me rant about how annoyed I am with work or how I can't decide what to wear out, or even how I can't figure out where all my money goes after I drop $45.00 at the bar the night before (Sorry dad). All these things seem so important until I sit back and realize that to her, these things that I consume myself with are not even on the same scale as problems in her mind. Sometimes I forget that she is still grieving. Not because I'm a bad friend, but because of how she portrays herself to the world. She is hilarious, life of the party, mermaid fanatic, queen of car raps, and one of the easiest people to talk to. It's because of these qualities that I forget. Its not until we take long car rides around town and just sit in silence, or listen to the same sad song over and over again, or until she tells me stories about him that I really understand her. It's in these moments that I understand why God placed her in my life.
The past school year consisted of breakdowns over classes, family and friend drama, heartbreaks because of stupid boys (when is this not an issue), late night drives just to get out of the dorms, countless nights walking home from Dillinger's because we were too stubborn to get a ride, Taco Bell runs and trips to Albany just for good food. All of these memories would not have happened if this friend would not have been a piece in God's puzzle for my life. As much as I hate to say it, none of these memories would have been made if three years ago that accident never happened. She probably would not have ended up at the same school as me, joined the same sorority, hung out with the same people, or lived across from me this past year. None of these things would have been possible. As selfish as it may sound, I wouldn't have one of my best friends and I honestly don't know how I could make it without her. The accident made her a stronger person, one who isn't afraid to tell someone how she feels, someone who wakes up each day and fights to be a happier person. Though she may not always see it, I can honestly say she is the strongest, most inspirational person that I know.
I've always believed that God has a plan and a path that has been placed for me, and throughout this year, I believe I see why he has placed this friend in my life. She has taught me that life happens. You can't control it, no matter how hard you try, and when life throws you a curve ball you pick yourself up and move forward. Surround yourself with people who help you grow, not ones who keep you in the past. I believe that's one thing that we both struggle with, moving on from people and events that have happened in the past and seeing the future ahead of us. Even though life is full of the unknown, I face each day knowing that I have a friend who will always be there to listen to the dumb decisions I make daily, and even after hearing my outrageous ideas still says "I'm in".
This is the kind of friend that I hope you have at least some point in your life. This friend has taught me how to really be a friend and I will forever be grateful for her.