Going into your first semester of college can be scary. It's like starting all over again, but this time the school is bigger and more intimidating. It's okay to be nervous about how your first year will go, but with these essentials, your homesickness will be sure to go away.
1. An Open MindÂ
In college, students are different than they were in high school. There's more self-expression, more outspoken people, and generally more acceptance.
Because of this, it's the best idea to come into your first semester with an open mind and heart. You're going to meet people unlike anyone else you've ever met, but don't let that be a bad thing.
Embrace these changes, because, in this stage of life, everyone is growing into the person they want to be. Everyone is just trying to figure it out, just like you. Have an open mind everywhere on campus, and put yourself out there.
2. ConfidenceÂ
Learning to be confident is one of the biggest struggles in many people's lives, but it's super helpful in college. The first week, you'll be meeting a ton of new people, and your confidence truly helps with that.
When you feel confident, you'll be more likely to talk to these strangers, and hopefully create lasting friendships.
The more you allow yourself to just be you, the more fun you'll have. Don't be afraid to approach anyone, because they could end up being your new best friend.
3. MotivationÂ
Everyone tells you that college is so much harder than high school, and so you've been gearing up for that ever since eighth grade. And although college is tough, the most difficult thing is finding motivation.
When there are parties and events happening at all times, it can be hard to make the right decision. You should definitely take time to have fun, but your studies come first.
You're enrolled in college to get a degree, not party every night and fail your classes. Sometimes it's hard to have the motivation to get up, go to class, and try your hardest, but in four years, you'll know it was worth it.
Plus, if you find yourself really struggling, hopefully, you'll have taken my advice from the previous essential, and your new friends will be there to support you.
4. A Friend From HomeÂ
I don't believe the notion that once you go to college, you should forget about your friends from home. These friends have been there for you through the good times and the bad times, and they'll stick by your side during college too.
You shouldn't just forget about them, because they're important too. Go ahead and make new friends, but don't forget where you came from.
Having a friend from home to share your college secrets and talk about life with is super comforting. They love you and don't want to lose you, so don't let them.
5. Your Family's SupportÂ
When I first went to college, I kept in touch with my family every so often, but not nearly as much as I should have. I was trying to live life on my own and be the independent woman I know I am.
Although it was nice having a chance to discover who I am, I really needed my family to remind me where my roots were. When your mom calls you and asks you how your first day of classes went, answer.
You'll be glad you did. Your family is your biggest supporters, and they just want to see you succeed. Let them stay in your life during college, because they won't be around forever.
These essentials aren't the "traditional" ones, like blankets and flip flops, but they're much more important. In order to have a great time during your first year of college, you'll need these, trust me.
Coming from a girl that's going into her second year at a big university, I know some things. And now, you do too.
Keep these things in mind and go rock your first year of college. You're about to embark on an incredible journey, and I know you'll do amazing things.