11 Things I Would Do IF I Could Undo Them In 4 Years | The Odyssey Online
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11 Things I Would Do IF I Could Undo Them In 4 Years

Maybe with a more reckless lifestyle, but certainly not for mine.

11 Things I Would Do IF I Could Undo Them In 4 Years

Being the millennial that I am, college is changing me as a person. As I go through this path of self-discovery, as well as being in art school, there are many fades and ideas that are suddenly so exciting and enticing to me now that I had little interest in before, and not all of them are great for the future I would like to have.

However, if there was a way to try the fades and go on the adventures and not have to live with the consequences as an adult, I would be all for it. Here are eleven things I would do or get, if I were able to undo them later.

1. Get my belly button pierced

After months and months of debating whether or not to get the piercing, I am glad I decided against it. With fear of "rejection", the potential effect of the piercing in which the piercing moves and forces itself out of your body, as well as expansion when I eventually become a mother. Today I am still confident in my decision. But if I had the chance to have the piercing for a few years and then disappear when I'm older and ready for children, I would jump at the opportunity in a heartbeat.

2. Expensive road trip

Although I desperately want to go on road trips and see the world, a broke college student like myself does not exactly have the money to simply get up and go. If able to undo my decision and get my money back, I would easily spend a week or so with some good friends, great nights and unfamiliar places.

3. Sephora haul

If I were able to eventually undo the financial burden involved with a massive Sephora shopping spree, I would already be there.

4. A tattoo on my wrist

Trust me, I am all for a deep and meaningful tattoo. I believe they are genuine and beautiful. However, I've never quite been open to the idea myself, especially not in a very visible place. But if it could disappear after a few years, you would definitely see a few on me already.

5. Get a daith piercing

I don't know what it is about Pinterest-looking earring styles, but I am very aesthetically pleased by them. Unfortunately, I cannot picture myself as a thirty-year-old woman with this type of piercing, perhaps it is merely a millennial phase.

6. Buy expensive filming / musical equipment

I have been interested in starting a Youtube channel for well over a year. It is no secret how expensive good equipment for making videos is.

7. Drop out and pursue an unrealistic dream

Every college student has probably said "I'm going to drop" at least once or twice. But what if you actually did. And followed a very competitive field such as the music or film industry by traveling to somewhere such as Hollywood with a few bucks in your pocket. It would be fun to go try it if I was able to undo it if nothing happened from it. But with only one try, I'll take my degree.

8. Eat whatever I want

A world where you could eat whatever you wanted and never have to worry about a diet of any type sounds like a dream come true to me.

9. Get constellation piercing

A constellation piercing is a set of piercings that are designed to appear like an arrangement of stars. They can be entirely unique to you, your style and your ear shape. The idea of getting my ears pierced specifically to me

10. Play bingo tattoo

There is a game that I stumbled on while on the Internet called Tattoo Bingo. This involves a simple Bingo machine, but instead of balls with numbers, you have tattoo images. There might be a second for placement or maybe it is up to whoever is getting the tattoo. While the idea is fun and spontaneous, I would not want a meaningful one forever.

11. Get a tragus piercing

Similar to my explanation of not wanting to get a daith piercing, I am more afraid that getting this one would be more painful. I have a tendency tops that part of my ear down when I cannot ear right etc. Therefore, pushing down into my ear with a sharp end doesn't sound ideal.

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