Love is both complicated yet seamless, tragic yet beautiful, challenging yet rewarding...If it's with the person you are supposed to end up with.
I met the love of my life at 18 years old...or so I thought. To be honest, I am no longer certain. When you find your first love, we tend to invest all of ourselves into this one person. We sometimes ignore the things that are so glaringly wrong about the situation we've found ourselves in because we are so consumed by the earth-shattering love we feel. We are afraid of change and we are afraid to leave because what if we never connect with anyone else on that level for the remainder of our existence?
The man whom I am with helped me through some of my darkest nights and stood in my corner when it felt as if the entire world was against me. In turn, I challenged him and helped him find his purpose and his ambition in life when he'd just given up. Though brought together through less than optimal circumstances, we were unconditionally happy for a time.
After two years it became glaringly transparent that the circumstances which had brought us together could not act as the glue to bind us together for the long haul. Because you see...A relationship is so much more than a series of events and emotions. You also need to factor in your long-term goals and ambitions and ask yourself whether your partner will help foster those dreams or whether they will act as a barrier between you and achieving the life you've always dreamed of.
When considering these things for yourself, do not let outside factors including loved ones influence your decision. I made this mistake for myself and it's made my life that much more difficult. It is your happiness alone that you should be considering because only you can understand the extent of what you want and how you feel.
Though it's absolutely terrifying to think about leading a life any differently than you have for the past several years, just no know you are never alone as you may feel. The people that matter in your life will love and support you regardless of what you choose for yourself.