How can we become one with the universe? How can we become in sync with that which surrounds us?
In order to do this, we must let go of our perceptions of things and how we believe that they are.
Doing this will allow us to free our minds from the chains that are pre-existing perceptions.
Perceptions that we already have are developed because the lack of understanding of the way something is.
We look at something and say that it is a certain way. We then stop looking at it and see it as merely the crystallization that our mind has created of the object.
This prevents us from further understanding all things. Such as a car, you don't need to know how all the parts of your car work, if it breaks you can take it to a repair shop and they can fix it for you.
This is the case with many things, but it is not the case with understanding. This is because understanding is a process of relative realizations or connections. It is a continual effort one that has no end until the end of the individual.
This is important because it allows us to not get uptight about understanding and how it can be done in infinitely many ways. It must be done in infinitely many ways.
This must be the case because if understanding is a continual process then it must be different for every individual and is constantly changing every moment.
How does this relate to becoming one with the universe?
To feel the flow of the universe our understandings must be constantly in the works. Not settling and getting tied down to specific ideas.
This allows us to accept and realize new understandings which furthers our ability to understand more and more things.
This flow of the universe, this oneness is called God, the Force, even the spirit of Harambe. This is a relationship that exists between all things because they exist.
Understanding this relationship and how things exist is the ultimate goal. But people get tied down to dogmas and ideas that they hold on to dearly. Not being ready to let these beliefs go, they keep them, but they become stale.
When we release what we know, we find out what we really know. Perhaps not what, but how we know.
We realize that how things are that we know. This is very important because it allows us to change what is. Not usually through a grand paradigm shift, but incrementally.
Slowly people begin to understand something that they knew at the beginning.
As people begin to understand, and they have released their conceptions and their ways of thought, now we are closer.
Closer to understanding that which lies before us, closer to discovering the true nature of things and how they exist.
To realize the way things exist, that is the ultimate goal. That is what will allow us to see how things truly are, and what they truly are.