Besides all of the corny acting in High School Musical (corny but an all-time favorite of mine), there was a central conflict that proves to be evident in every community in the nation. The athlete vs. the artist: Which has more worth in society? I consider myself both the athlete and the artist. Throughout high school I was a 3-sport athlete, on top of playing piano since I was four, writing, and teaching myself guitar. I've been lucky enough to understand the pros of each category, but in my own personal opinion, my artistic side has aided me more in my every day life. Here's why...
My artistic side has made me notice all of the smallest details in the life around me. During my favorite piece on the piano, Clair de Lune by Debussy, the small details make the strongest impact. It is easy to just play a song, but to accent the small details make all the difference. The first couple measures of Clair de Lune, if played softly and with passion, make the piece come alive. Once you get to page two, if the big chords are played with a purpose and loud, it makes you feel whatever Debussy felt while writing it. Life is the exact same way and I learned that through piano. The small details of life are what accent our overall lifetime. As long as we are focused on perfecting the small things, the big thing (our life) ends beautifully.
My artistic side has helped me to appreciate silence. A rest in music is nearly as important as the notes themselves. Allowing the right hand to play it's notes while the left hand stays silent within a measure can make the piece come together. Just like my right hand allows my left to express itself, I must stay silent to allow those around me to express what is most important to them. Music taught me it's okay to just be quiet. Words don't always say a lot. Piano songs with no words at all have spoken to my heart more than any other song. Be silent and let life do the talking.
The words in the pieces I have written have deepened my character. Thinking abstractly has made me realize more about myself then any formal education could. Using words to reach others is beautiful, and until I started writing, I took words for granted. Writing taught me how much weight our words have and how much change they can incite. Isn't that exciting? Something you write down on a piece of paper can change a life.
My sports never helped me reach these conclusions about life and myself. Sports taught me about teamwork, working together, communication, and selflessness, but I feel like those are extrinsic values. Art gives me intrinsic motivations. Art taught me about myself. Art gives me a reason in a world where reasons are hard to find. I'll forever be thankful for 88 keys that changed my world for the better.