There's days when you love them (rarely) and days when you hate them (always). Either way no one goes through as much messes as you and your siblings do.
1. You fight over the remote control
You have to fight for power.
2. "I'm telling mom!" is said at least five times... within an hour
And if mom doesn't care then I'm telling dad.
3. You eat their food, that's labeled with their name
Only a dumb person would leave their food out in the open when I'm always hungry.
4. You "borrow" each others stuff
They say I'm stealing smh, I say I'm borrowing
5. Having your sibling get in trouble for something you did
It's what they deserve for eating your leftover pizza.
6. Becoming a tyrant when you're left to babysit
It's not your fault you were given so much power.
7. A play flight turns into a WWE match
A simple slap turns into broken arms
8. Having people tell you that your sibling is cute
It's as if everyone is blind. They're really going to say your sibling is cute when you're around? Like hello I'm the cute one here!
9. They use up all the hot water in the shower
They leave you with cold water to match their cold soul
10. When you stand up from your seat they steal it
The only seat they can take is the throne in hell