Let me start by saying being pro-choice does not necessarily mean you have to be pro-abortion. It simply means that you are giving a woman the choice to choose what is best for her as an individual. And I will also state that what is best for you is not best for everyone!
People these days are very opinionated on this touchy subject and I am no different.
Before I get into the reasons I choose to be pro-choice, I want to list a couple reasons as to why abortion is even legal in the United States in the first place. There is an awesome article out there on the internet called, "Question: why is abortion legal in the United States?" If you are interested even in the slightest, I suggest you look it up and read it. Very briefly I will go over some of the reasons as to why it is legal. One reason is that a fetus in not legally a citizen. I know plenty of people who choose to believe that as soon as a fetus is conceived that it is automatically a person. *trump voice* You're wrong.
Legally the point of viability ( which is the point in which the fetus can live outside of the mother on its own) does not start until it is 23-24 weeks old. This is the point in which abortion becomes illegal in this country. Reason number 2: simply put.... Roe. Vs. Wade. It is legal simply because the Supreme Court decided it to be so in 1973. The 3rd and final reason I am going to highlight this is that by giving the women the right to make decisions regarding their own bodies is a right to privacy. Which is a constitutional right. If they choose to overturn Roe vs. Wade, you are taking women's constitutional right away and what makes you think the government is going to stop by taking JUST women's rights away?
Let's say you wanted to donate bone marrow to help local cancer kids. That is a very nice gesture, however, a very painful process but you know what, that is your decision, is it not? The government CANNOT stop you. If you want to donate a kidney or you want a breast augmentation, the government cannot step into your private life and tell you are banned from doing these things....what makes abortion any different?
Speaking of government involvement....if you give the government the right to make decisions about women's bodies what makes you think the government couldn't flip-flop and force unwanted abortions onto women like they do in China? Due to China's population, families are only allowed to have two kids. Any more than that, their government forces the women to have abortions. So you may be trying to do a good decent humane thing but in return, our government could very well flip-flop on you and make you do something you don't want.
Many people have argued with me about the whole, "Well, if someone decides to murder a pregnant woman, then that person is charged with double homicide, therefore the "baby" is considered a person." Again, that is wrong. The murderer is charged with double homicide clearly because that murderer had no right to terminate the women's' pregnancy against her will. Again, it his HER right to choose whether or not to terminate.
Usually, when something becomes illegal there are consequences and punishments. So what would you do to punish the women who have aboritions? Because the Pro-Lifer's keep saying that Aborion = Murder. Well, isn't the punishment for murder in this country imprisonment and/or depending on what state you live in, death penalty? You would rather save this "fetuses" life and put many of our sisters, aunts, cousins, friends, wives in jail? That's just my perspective on it anyway.
I could literally go on and on about this subject for days, however, I would like to end by saying, that people who support Pro-Life are all for the birth of this "baby," however, once it is born people tend not to care. If this law gets overturned, you are basically telling the woman who KNOWS she is financially incapable of raising a child that she must suck it up and work three jobs to keep the baby and herself fed. You are saying to the rape victim that she MUST have her attacker's baby and be reminded of that awful experience every day of her life. You are telling the aspiring college student to drop out of school and raise her child. Who cares that that college student was on the track to graduation and applying for graduate school. Now she must forget life as she knows it and rasie a child and every time she sees that child be reminded of lost opportunites.