Born in 1995, I am right smack dab in the middle of being a 90's baby but at the same time not having enough knowledge to relate to those "true" 90's babies. I am a millennial, and don't get me wrong millennials do some weird stuff. However, I don't always agree with nor understand the logic behind some of my fellow millennials, along with their actions.
The first concept I don't understand is when someone apologizes or points out the fact they have posted more than one post on a social media platform. Whether this be multiple photos on Instagram, multiple tweets in a row, two Facebook statuses in a day or what have you, many millennials will openly state "this is my (#) post but oh well."
Wait a second.
Social media is a place of posts. Thats how you communicate. Social media is a communication tool. Use it! Tweet a million times in a row to communicate your thoughts. Take seven beautiful pictures in one day? Post them all! Instagram is a photo sharing app. Share those photos, kid! Have something to brag about to your relatives? Make a long Facebook status that provides the details to your life! It's social media. There are no rules. If you're worried about what other people will think of you because you tweeted three times in one day that's their problem. Theres an unfollow button for a reason.
I think this goes along with this idea that millennials have stuck in their brains that they need to explain themselves to anything and anyone that will listen. Its important to remember that you don't owe anyone an explanation! Ever! (Unless its a parent or boss or professor or someone of high authority over you that deserves an explanation)
Selfishness is also a common theme among millennials. Perhaps its just me and the individuals I run into, but as time goes on I'm starting to notice the amount of selfishness I'm surrounded by. Millennials never seem to find any gratification in doing things out of the kindness of their hearts. If there is nothing in it for them, count them out. If you show any of the slightest inconvenience to them, count yourself out of their life.
The last millennial behavior I find blatantly mentally harmful not only for others but for the millennial doing so, is being judgmental. Obviously this happens in all stages of life between being in elementary school and elderly, but millennials are the type of judgmental that has the potential to harm themselves. Social media are platforms in which its users pick and chose what the public will see. This means everyone looks better on social media than they truly are without a Twitter or Instagram account. A millennial scrolling through their social media feed seeing nothing but the positives and successes in a fellow millennial's life tends to cause judgmental thoughts on one's own life. Its human nature to compare ourselves, but it is unhealthy the amount of time spent on social media constantly feeding our brains with this kind of information. It makes us feel not good enough and not important.
Millennials are weird and I don't understand them, nor myself sometimes.