2. Christine Sydelko | The Odyssey Online
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6 Underrated YouTubers You should be watching

You should watch his videos because he is not only funny, but a lowkey heartthrob.


Some YouTubers are dominating the world of Youtube and they can sometimes overshadow some of the best. These are the 6 underrated YouTubers you should be watching.

1. Kendall Rae

We get it! Shane Dawson has good conspiracy theory videos, but have you ever dove deeper into the world of Youtube conspiracy theorists? At 861K subscribers, Kendall Rae makes very in-depth conspiracy theory videos. Her most popular ones being "Unsolved Murder of Caylee Marie Anthony" and "Biggest Lie Ever Ends In Tragedy! Case of Dee Dee and Gypsy."

2. Christine Sydelko

Starting out on the popular app, Vine, Christine Sydelko has more recently been taking on the world of Youtube. For a long time, she collaborated with Elijah Daniel, but around the beginning of 2018, the duo called it quits. Christine now spends most of her time working on her podcast, "Don't Mess With Christine Sydelko".

3. Morgan Adams

Even though she is just starting out, Morgan Adams has already amassed a whopping 1.6 million subscribers. And for good reason! Morgan is absolutely hilarious and relatable. She was inspired to create a Youtube channel by her brother, Ryland Adams, and his boyfriend, Shane Dawson.

4. Ellen Fisher

Some families were just put on this Earth to give the rest of us #goals. Ellen Fisher is a vegan mom who lives in Hawaii with her two boys and new baby girl. Ellen's most popular videos are showcasing what her family eats in a day. They are beautifully edited and I am honestly so invested in this family.

5. Garrett Watts

Garrett Watts is probably the purest person on Youtube. He is a member of Shane Dawson's crew and makes the most insane videos out there. Don't believe me? Some of his more recent videos include, "Building a Giant Doritos Wall" and "Lighting 10,000 Matches At Once."

6. Zane Hijazi

My absolute favorite member of David Dobrik's "Vlog Squad," Zane Hijazi is the the lovable goof we all need in our lives. He started his career with the popular Vine channel, Zane and Heath, and now he is making Youtube videos. His vlogs feature him and his friends doing crazy stuff and often feature his little sister, Hidaya. His most popular videos are, "Liza Found This Living In Her Car!" and "Surprising My Best Friends." You should watch his videos because he is not only funny, but a lowkey heartthrob.

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