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Student Life

11 Severely Underrated Words You Can Use To Spice Up Your Vocabulary

Talk ain't cheap, especially with these words.


Words words words! Everywhere you look, there they are! There are so many words we use to express ourselves. As a writer, I am constantly in search of new, fabulous words. And with the number of words in the English language today, I have more than enough material. Currently, there are 171,476 words in the dictionary today! And that does not even count the multiple colloquiums we use on a daily basis. Even though I am a big fan of those with my usage of "Gucci mane," "swig swag" and yeet to indicate satisfaction, there are so many words we can use to keep our conversations spicy. Here are seven down-home favorites you have to try!

1. Tomfoolerly

Silly or foolish behavior is the name of this word game. Use this word if you are engaging wild shenanigans or good times. I also really enjoy using this word in a sentence such as "What is the meaning of this tomfoolery?!". It really adds some spice to your silliness.

2. Debaunchary

Literally one of my favorite words in the English language. I first heard it in the "SpongeBob" episode where Mr. Krabs tries to hang out with SpongeBob and Patrick to feel young again, but he soon realizes that the night's activities contain no debauchery. According to the fabulous Webster, debauchery means "extreme indulgence in bodily pleasures and especially sexual pleasures." Very spicy. So college, am I right?

3. Panache

Want to use a new adjective to describe the fabulousness in your life? Panache is the word for you! Be flamboyant confidence of style or manner with your word choice.

4. Facetious

AHHHH! Impress all your peeps with this word. Switching from sarcastic to facetious will be sure to bring a little conversational piazza.

5. Gumption

Keep it bold and show your spirit with using this word to describe how badass you are. Show some gumption.

6. Snazzy

Add this to your compliment list and tell your friends, family and how stylish they are! Don't forget to tell yourself you are snazzy too, because you deserve it.

7. Conniption

Forget argument or fight, throw this word into the mix when the situation gets heated. It just rolls off the toungue so nicely.

8. Cattywampus

When you are feeling cattywampus, you may feel slightly askew. It can also be applied to objects describing them as not arranged correctly!

9. Gardyloo

This silly word was an injection used by servants in medieval Scotland to warn people on the streets that poop was about to thrown onto the street! This is because there was no indoor plumbing so they had through the business out on the streets. Look how far we have come. Let's bring it back. Instead of saying "look or watch out" say gardyloo!

10. Bumfuzzle

If you are confused, throw this word out there next time. It probably came from a combination of "bamboozle" and "fuzzy." No bumfuzzle about this, this word is snazzy.

11. Collywobbles

Stomach pains? You got yourself a case of the collywobbles. Also could be used to describe anxiety or nervousness. Watch out for the collywobbles! They may sneak up on ya.

Talk ain't cheap, especially with these words! Strive to flavor up your conversations. Conversation saves this nation with savory diction.

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