13 Most Underrated Taylor Swift Songs | The Odyssey Online
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13 Most Underrated Taylor Swift Songs

Give these songs the attention they deserve!

13 Most Underrated Taylor Swift Songs

Taylor Swift might just be the biggest pop superstar of our generation with numerous, timeless top-charting albums and songs. Love her or hate her, you can't deny that she is a lyrical genius who definitely has some major bops in her discography. Everyone knows the big songs like "Love Story" and "Blank Space," so I thought, why not discuss some of her less popular, underrated records? I looked through each of her albums and songs in her discography and picked out 13 since it's her lucky number, songs I thought are the least appreciated and deserve some more love.

1. "Superstar"

Album: 'Fearless Platinum Edition'

My Favorite Lyric: "I'm no one special just another wide-eyed girl who's desperately in love with you."

Anyone who has ever been in love with a famous musician, like Harry Styles, can relate to this song. To be honest, this doesn't even have to be about a musician; you could be thinking about the guy or girl you have a hopeless crush on while listening to this song and it still holds the same power.

2. "Innocent"

Album: 'Speak Now'

My Favorite Lyrics: "Wasn't it beautiful running wild 'til you fell asleep, before the monsters caught up to you," "Time turns flames to embers, you'll have new Septembers."

Taylor's relationship with Kanye West has always been messy, but she wrote this song after the VMA's catastrophe in an attempt to make peace with the rapper. It's a really beautiful song about forgiveness and showing maturity after a feud you had with someone.

3. "Sad Beautiful Tragic"

Album: 'Red'

My Favorite Lyrics: "Words how little they mean, when you're a little too late," "And you've got your demons and darling they all look like me," "Kiss me, try to fix it, could you just try to listen?"

This is one of those songs I used to listen to as if I had had my heart broken by a boy, when in reality I was single as hell. It's such a powerful, somber sounding song that it transfers the heartbreak she experienced after her relationship ended, to the listener. Also just a sidetone, this song could definitely fit onto "Folklore".

4. "Ronan"

Album: 'Ronan'

My Favorite Lyrics: "Flowers piled up in the worst way, no one knows what to say," "What if I kept the hand-me downs you won't grow into?"

The first time I ever heard this song, it had me in literal tears. Swift wrote this song about a real little boy who died of cancer for the Stand Up For Cancer event that is held on national television to raise money for cancer research. The amount of pain and sadness in which she sings this song is incredibly heart wrenching and emotional. I feel like people forget about this song because it was never put onto an album, but it deserves to be listened to as well.

"I Know Places"

Album: '1989'

My Favorite Lyric: "Love's a fragile little flame it could burn out."

I always forget about this song, but it came on shuffle the other day and I absolutely love it! It's such a fun and exciting pop song that should have gotten more love when "1989" was released. Give this song the same respect that "Style" and "Blank Space" were given please.

6. "Wonderland" 

Album: '1989 Deluxe Edition'

My Favorite Lyric: "You searched the world for something else to make you feel like what we had and in the end, in Wonderland we both went mad."

This song is pop perfection! The production on this track is so magical and fun, and I really think it would have been successful as a single off of "1989." Just imagine if this song had gotten a music video; it would have been so magical! This song was before its time and I think it needs to be talked about more.

7. "So It Goes..."

Album: 'Reputation'

My Favorite Lyric: "You did a number on me, but honestly baby who's counting?"

To be honest, this was not a favorite of mine off of "Reputation" until I heard it playing after the Reputation Stadium Tour show that I was leaving. I think this song is a little strange and that's why it doesn't get the same amount of love that other songs receive off of this album, but I absolutely love how the quiet verses lead into the bombastic chorus.

8. "Dancing With Our Hands Tied"

Album: 'Reputation'

My Favorite Lyric: "I'd kiss you as the lights went out, swaying as the room burned down, I'd hold you as the water rushes in."

This song is super under-appreciated for its lyrics, which I think are actually pretty sad if you pay attention to her message. It's one of those songs that has a sad message but a happy feeling that still makes you want to dance.

9. "Daylight"

Album: 'Lover'

My Favorite Lyrics: "I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you," "I wound the good and I trusted the wicked, clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke."

When I play this song around my friends they usually tell me that they think it's too slow and boring, but I don't think they appreciate the romantic, hopeful message that this track delivers. This song makes me feel like I'm floating in the clouds; it's light, happy, and up-lifting. I wonder what it's like to listen to this when you're in love with someone...

10. "It's Nice To Have a Friend"

Album: 'Lover'

My Favorite Lyric: "Church bells ring, carry me home, rice on the ground looks like snow."

Swift experiments a little bit with the way she delivers her lyrics in this song, which I think throws a lot of listeners off at first. However, I think it's a cute little song about the simplicity of being in love with someone who makes loving easy. I also think it's nice that this song is so much unique compared to her other songs because it offers variety.

11. "Mad Woman"

Album: 'Folklore'

My Favorite Lyric: "And women like hunting witches too, doing your dirtiest work for you, it's obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together."

If you read my "Folklore" ranking, you know that I absolutely LOVE this song. I really wish it got more love from listeners because I think its lyrics pack a roaring punch towards misogyny and I am so here for it. The piano melody is so incredibly haunting, which only adds to the eerie feeling this song gives off.

12. "Peace"

Album: 'Folklore'

My Favorite Lyric: "All these people think love's for show, but I would die for you in secret."

What I really love about this song is that it lives up to the title; it feels like peace and quiet. The music might be simplistic and not super exciting, but that is what makes it so beautiful to me. I also find the message of the song to be romantic in a sort of tragic way, which I love.

13. "Coney Island"

Album: 'Evermore'

My Favorite Lyrics: "If I can't relate to you anymore, then who am I related to?" " 'Cause we were like the mall before the internet, it was the one place to be."

Similarly to "Peace", I know that "Coney Island" is a little more on the boring side, but I kind of love the tranquility and quietness of it. Matt Berninger's voice flows so beautifully with Taylors and I love the idea of them singing together. I also find the way that Swift lists all of her exes to be genius because she does it so subtly and poetically. This is one of my favorite tracks off of "Evermore" and it deserves more attention!

If you're someone who only listens to Taylor's hit songs, I strongly encourage you to listen to these tracks and some of her other non-single songs too! There are a lot of songs by her that are greatly unappreciated by the public and I think they need some more love.

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