Easter may be the most underrated holiday of the year. Between the food of Thanksgiving, the hype of Christmas, or the fireworks on the Fourth Of July, its easy to see how Easter Sunday can come and go in the blink of an eye. Just a few weeks before finals and days after the famous Carolina Cup, Easter seems to be a great excuse to wear your Sunday best and attend the church you haven't been to since Christmas. However Easter really is so much more.
Easter is one of the few holidays that still directly centers around family. If you go home for Easter chances are you will be spending time with your parents and siblings and maybe even extended family. Sure you may run into friends but the primary reason for heading home is to simply be home and with the people that love you.
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Easter hasn't become over-commericalized...yet. Sure there is quite a market for Easter baskets, candy and egg hunts but the primary focus is small children. You don't get your significant other an Easter present. I've never worried about what to get my parents for Easter. The Easter bunny exists for little children. (Let's keep it that way...it gets kinda creepy the older you are.)
Easter is a sign for Spring. Spring has sprung! The bipolar weather is coming to an end. Flowers are blooming and birds are chirping. Worn college students stagger from stale library study rooms and into the warmth of the sun. Summer break is within our grasp. A bunny is hopping through meadows to deliver plastic eggs to children. (This part actually has 0 logic. Who came up with this idea again?)
Easter SHOULD be the most hype holiday of them all. Easter is actually pretty crazy if you think about it. An innocent man died in place for others and three days later rose from the dead. This is it. The greatest triumph in the history of the world. Who could ever top that? What kind of love could be greater? What could be more exciting than this victory?