2.Stefan and Elena - "The Vampire Diaries" | The Odyssey Online
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5 Of The Most Under-Rated Pairings In Television History

We're all in love with their love.

5 Of The Most Under-Rated Pairings In Television History

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Whether you're a casual viewer or a die-hard fan for a television show, it's always fun to imagine certain pairings together. Something about watching two people evolving together, even if it's not romantic, is really special for any kind of viewer.

1. Nathan and Haley - "One Tree Hill"

This one is an oldie but a goodie. "One Tree Hill" took over The CW in the early 2000's and for good reason. With the executive producer scandal and the overall masculine superiority aside, "One Tree Hill" was filled with so many amazing moments and pairings. But, in my opinion, Naley definitely takes the prize for the best one. Throughout the nine-season run, Nathan and Haley remained consistent and supportive of each other while also staying fresh and entertaining for the viewers. There is a reason why seasons two and five were the questionable seasons: it's because Nathan and Haley were on the outs. The show was successful when their top couple was going strong.

2.Stefan and Elena - "The Vampire Diaries"

This is definitely the most underrated couple when it comes to deserving better. In other words, the show definitely took a turn for the worse after they split up. I'm sorry if you are a Damon and Elena fan but the show went downhill after the season four finale and I think one of the reasons was because of Damon and Elena's romantic companionship (spoiler alert). The producers got caught up in what the fans wanted and the show's success so they betrayed the original story because of it. Yeah sure, some would say Stefan and Elena were not as "exciting" as Damon and Elena but I'm sorry for wanting a stable couple fighting side by side. Instead of a couple who fought all the time and continuously said they were bad for each other.

I'm sorry for the rant but my angry alter ego came out for a second. (Also known as my 7th-grade self).

3. James and Teresa - "Queen of the South"

These two are an underrated couple on an underrated show. If you don't know, which I'm guessing most of you don't, James and Teresa are from a show called "Queen of the South". It's about a woman, Teresa, who ends up in a drug-induced cartel because her boyfriend was killed for stealing from them. In the cartel, Teresa is paired with James for all kinds of missions and they begin to bond because of it. This show is so well written (it is on Netflix) and the actors have amazing chemistry, hence the reason why I like them together.

4. Scott and Stiles - "Teen Wolf"

This pairing, even though they may not be romantic, carried the show with so much heart as the two main leads. Their friendship, on and off the screen, was so pure, and will always hold a special place in my heart. It was one of the many reasons why "Teen Wolf" made it to 100 episodes in its six-season run. While shippers loved pairings like Stiles and Lydia and Scott and Allison (as did I), the true love story of the show was and will always be Scott and Stiles. The show just hit the one year anniversary of the series finale and I honestly can't believe I've gone a year without seeing these two on my screen.

5. Bellamy and Clarke -" The 100"

Finally, I've saved the best for last. (At least in my opinion). Bellamy and Clarke are from "The 100" that is currently on The CW. Even though it doesn't get much promotion, I will say that it's definitely the best show on that television network. It's told as a continuous epic where the main leads have grown from absolutely hating each other to co-leaders to best friends. As non-romantic soulmates, these two have surpassed all romantic gestures. In other words, their connection is almost too deep to just be considered romantic. They're soulmates, and they always will be. Finding each other through space and time. This is easily my favorite ship and I'm just hoping the executive producer doesn't screw them up.

Overall, these are some of my favorite pairings from semi-current television shows. Which insinuates that all of these are just my opinion and you don't have to agree with them. If one of the pairings peeked your interest, most of these shows can be found on either Netflix (The 100, Queen of the South, and Vampire Diaries), Hulu (One Tree Hill), or Amazon Prime (Teen Wolf).

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