Usually when I am tasked with writing an article, I pick an approachable topic. I've written about the difference between working full time and going to school. I have written about how some of the tiniest starter projects can grow with hard work and dedication. Heck, I've even written about a random night where I looked up into the stars because it gave me inspiration.
Fast Forward, It's time to tackle the Olympics.
I love sports, I literally love sports. Football is my number one sport of all time. I'm pretty sure that I love football more than so many other things.
The Olympics are filled with many different sports where athletes around the globe compete for the gold medal. Now as I am writing this, the USA has a whopping 21 gold medals. Now a majority of the gold medals won for our country have come through swimming. Now there is a name I would want you to focus on:
Katie Ledecky.
Katie Ledecky is an Olympic swimmer who has set her mark on the swimming world with her superb talent. She just recently broke the world record for the Women's 800M Freestyle. Now you're wondering well that's nice but why should I really care right?
When she swam for the first time, the announcer for NBC said: "Wow look at her go, she swims like some of the men".
No big problem right?
As a man I find this to be a problem. Katie Ledecky is a woman. No matter how her body looks, how she acts, or how she swims, she is still a woman. Now I'll say right now she has kicked some major ass and nobody won't acknowledge the fact that she's great, because she is. I ask you this though, why was she compared to being a man?
Today, we, as a whole struggle between black vs white, unfair pay, and so many other problems. We forget about some of the smallest things.
While this may not be a huge problem to nearly everyone in the world, and while some people won't care, it's still an issue.
Why does she swim like some of the men? Why if I'm watching the Olympics and on TV there is an event for the women's group and I see are the women's husbands?
These ladies train day in and day out to be the very best. They work until they have broken every little bit amount of sweat they have and still are ashamed when they don't hit their goal. The world of sports is like that. It takes time to be the best and you need to train to do that.
Katie Ledecky is an amazing swimmer. She breaks records, she swims like no other woman, she outclasses her competition so much that she has accumulated 4 gold medals for swimming. I don't care about her coaches or anyone else who may have helped her, because she is the one under the spotlight and she is the one who won the gold medals.
Call me crazy but this doesn't just end at swimming in the Olympics.
I have heard some people objectify the women's gymnastics team. Those girls flip and twirl in ways my body would snap into pieces if I attempted what they do. It's not about the clothes they wear, or how they look, it's about how they compete and how they win. Now these may seem as only small things or mishaps, but they happened on the grand stage.
How can we as a group of people stop one problem when we never fully fix another? Women get objectified a lot, and to see these kinds of things happen on the Olympic stage is disgusting. You want to fix a major problem, how about we give people the respect they deserve.
Take a look at this link, you'll see that women have won more medals than men in the Olympics thus far.
So why don't we stop belittling these women, they are kicking everyone's asses badly.