To the girl who is big hearted:
Believe it or not, there are people who are naturally kind. The type of person who finds happiness in building other people up and making them laugh. There is a girl who goes out of her way to help everyone she encounters and doesn’t expect to receive anything back. Yet society will continue to put her down and call her a “try hard” or “suck up”. Yes, it’s possible that people are big hearted and it is the most challenging characteristic to embody.
We are the kind of girls that get burnt the most. It seems that we are a rare kind of person, and sometimes our motives are questioned: what a shame. We the easiest type of person for others to put down. Often we find ourselves being taken advantage of.
Recently, I have been told that others don’t deserve my kindness or vulnerability; yet I beg to differ.
Here’s the thing, without your kindness, the world would never change. We need more people like you that are real and vulnerable. Someone who touches other people lives in slight measures. Sure, often times we are left with a sense of appreciation or rejection, but it is not about us. It is about the change we are being in the world. To live a life with built up walls and bitterness is to rob yourself the opportunity to be a light in someone else’s life. Settling is to easy and that’s why being big hearted is so rare and precious.
So next time someone tells you to stop being nice or that people don’t deserve your vulnerability, take it as a compliment. If others can see your kindness, then you are doing something right. Don’t harden your heart, because there is no glory in conforming with the world. After all, “we were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness”- Pope Benedict XVI