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11 Underrated One Direction Songs You Probs Forgot About

Yes I'm writing about them again because I'm e m o t i o n a l.

11 Underrated One Direction Songs You Probs Forgot About

If you're an intellectual, like me, you know One Direction's entire discography backward and forwards. You have your favorites and you know there are songs out there that deserved more recognition. (Honestly 1D, in general, was never given the credit they were due). In their five albums as a group, these are just some of the most underrated songs by the iconic band, One Direction.

​1. "Ready To Run"

Louis and Liam wrote on this song together and their musical expertise really comes out in this tune.

​2. "Illusion"

No one ever talks about this song and I think she needs some more clout.

​3. "Rock Me"

Do you remember summer '09???? Ugh Louis' voice sounds so gr8 in this song, I can't get over it.

​4. "Everything About You"

This song is a BOP. And every time I listen to it, I'm transported to when I first found the band and listened to their first two albums on repeat. Good mems.

​5. "Stand Up"

This song makes me pop tf off ugh. That's it, send tweet.

​6. "I Would"

I used to have a dance to this song, that's how much I loved it.

​7. End Of The Day

Another banger from Louis and Liam, the lyrics in this song are ace and the change in the beat is iconic.

​8. "Wolves"

I know stan Twitter appreciates this tune but the rest of the world is fr missing out. Niall wrote on this bop and it's just such a classic. Also, if I never hear this song live, I'm suing.

​9. "Temporary Fix"

This song's writing was almost all Niall and wowza, he's a king. The energy on this song is something else honestly (again, if I never hear this live I will scream).

​10. "Heart Attack"

This was my anthem summer '13, I listened to it an unhealthy amount of times.

​11. "What A Feeling"

What a feeling to be a fan of the best musical group on the planet. They continued to give us bop after bop on this album and this tune deserved better.

One Direction fans everywhere were truly robbed by these boys. The entirety of their last album has basically never seen the light of day and all the bangers are on that album soooo???? "Made In The A.M." deserved better, 1D deserved better, and the fans definitely deserved better. Here's to hoping the 1D drought ends soon, ladies.

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