At first, I thought it was a joke that Donald Trump was running for president. However, with time, that joke became more and more of a serious topic, to the point of him actually being a running candidate for the White House. I can’t see myself voting for him with all of the outrageous actions and words that have been spoken from him.
I know what you’re thinking. Hilary supporter! To be honest, I’m not. I’m discontent with how she’s handled classified information, and been a shady under-the-table type of person as of recent times. I’m not against a female president, but I wouldn’t be happy with her becoming president either.
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There are other options, like Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. I’m starting to obtain information about Johnson’s campaign and his motives, and yet to start looking at Stein.
You see, I’m not a very political person. I’ve never paid attention to American politics, and, actually I feel that I’ve paid more attention to international politics. Perhaps it’s a way of escaping the political madness that is America.
As I approach twenty years of age and the 2016 election coming right around the corner, I am unprepared and undecided who I will end up voting for. Whether it be for lack of knowledge or simply disgust of the selection of candidates, I hope that I make a decision that will benefit myself and fellow Americans. I feel that it is wrong to simply not vote. Sacrifices are being made in order for this country to remain free (not in a monetary meaning).
If you’ve been an American on any social media platform, you’ve seen the memes or jokes about people moving to Canada, or some other country, as to avoid the politics here. While “I’m moving to Canada,” is a legitimate punchline, it is also becoming legitimately tempting to legitimately move there. Don’t start to judge me here. I’ve always wanted to live in Canada and I have many friends there. Being friends with many Canadians, our election is a joke to them, for the most part.
We, Americans, continually are being the laughing stock of not just Canada, but the entire world, for that matter. I don’t know how so many other people haven’t noticed how much we’re being made fun of for the upcoming election, but, if you’re an American reading this, perhaps you should take a second and think,
“Hey. Maybe we should get our sh*t sorted out for this election.”
Frankly, everyone is everywhere for this election. The media tells you one thing, and your friend tells you another, and suddenly Facebook posts or 140-character tweets have become warzones.
Believe me when I tell you – I love America and I am blessed to be a citizen. I love my friends and my family. I have nothing but the utmost respect for those who serve in order to protect our country. I have respect for the gas station worker as respect for the Gatorade CEO. I am proud to be an American. Donald, we don’t need to “Make America Great Again.” America is great. We are a great country. Like any country though, we have our flaws, we have crime, we have things that are severely wrong and not only effect us but other nations too.
One of these candidates needs to step up, and keep America great. They need to outline everything they will do, truthfully. The candidates need to show that they are the unanimous choice for president and hopefully we can follow suit and back them.
If I’m sitting here typing this spiel, then clearly there isn’t a unanimous choice for president. Otherwise I would be writing about how candidate W is far and away a better candidate than X, Y, and Z.
I would love to move to Canada. I don’t want to move based on politics, though. I’m sure I’m not the only one in this boat.