My least favorite question in the entire world is this:
"So what are your plans after college?"
This is my least favorite question because, for lack of a better phrase, I have no mother loving idea. It's frustrating because you spend four years studying one or more very concentrated subjects, but when you come to the end of college you feel as if you have no idea what you should be doing. You might be asking yourself how are you going to fit into the working world?
To say the least, I am sick and tired of this question. For those of you who are in the same boat as me, let me ease your burning hearts.
According to an article written by The Daily Caller, only 14% of college grads in 2015 had a real job right out of college. In case a light bulb didn't go off, that was only two years ago!
Just last year, according to Forbes, the hiring rate of recent college grads was 2.5%.
Now, I am not saying this to discourage you. I'm also not discouraging you to shoot for the stars, because that is also important. I share these facts to lighten your load because around this time it feels like family, friends, and even your fellow student body expects you to have it all together.
The fact of the matter is that if you get a job right out of college, you are in the lower percentile, and good for you. However, if you don't have your life completely planned out, you are clearly not alone.
We all have that one friend who seems to have solved the puzzle of life, and has a career lined up after graduation.
So what!
I find myself comparing my plans to their plans, and it's an extremely self destructive thing to do. Trust me, it does more harm than help. Go at your own pace. Really take you time job searching. Pick up a few part time jobs until something is just the right fit. Most importantly, DO NOT SETTLE BECAUSE OF THE PRESSURE.
I am sick of people thinking it is shameful to not have it all together, if anything it just makes us more human.
If you do happen to land a career, but it has nothing to do with the major you just dedicated four years to, that is okay too! Never rule anything out. You will be surprised where the skills from your major take you.
Throughout all of this chaos, it is important to remain humble and understand that just because we survived four years in college, doesn't mean we are owed a career. It takes effort. But as they say, good things come to those who wait.
To the undecided college grad, it's okay to still be undecided, even if you think you have decided.
Next time someone asks you that dreaded question, just respond honestly, it makes you more human, and it will probably gain you more respect, and less questions.