No matter who you are, where you are from, or what you believe in, it is obvious that gun violence has become an increasingly important issue in the United States recently. Every day, people are killed by guns and the people behind them. The candidates running in this election have very different opinions on guns and what the rules and regulations regarding them should be: Clinton believes that gun control laws, including more comprehensive background checks, should be enacted to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Trump wants to uphold the Second Amendment and everything that he believes goes with it.
Although guns have some positive uses, the possibility of another human’s life ending is not worth owning a gun. American citizens are able to own ridiculous amounts of heavy artillery, almost to the point where only the military should be able to have weapons of such high caliber. Innocent people lose their lives due to these powerful weapons being in the wrong hands and receive no justice after their deaths.
People are still caught up in their old ways and beliefs regarding guns. Some American citizens believe that guns should still be used as freely as when the Second Amendment was originally enacted. This close-minded approach leads to the injury and possible demise of so many citizens.
Countries with stricter gun control laws have little to no gun violence happening in their countries. Japan and Australia have had a decreasing amount of people dying each year due to gun violence as a result of their strict gun laws. Guns, or the lack thereof, can truly affect a nation and the people who live in it. Hopefully America will start leaning the right way soon.