This love consumes
It becomes part of you
And doesn't care who you are.
Your thoughts become the sea in a storm.
Thrashing about violently
And deafening you with the crash.
Love will do everything it can
To be felt when it isn't wanted.
Even if it means hurting you in the end.
It's an addiction that courses through your veins
Like nicotine from a cigarette
Or smoke that makes you float through the stars.
You don't want it when it's there,
Yet you hate it when it's gone.
Like a piece of you is missing.
Without it you feel empty,
With it, you feel invincible
As if you're an untouchable god.
To love unconditionally
Is to love without fear of consequence,
No matter what they may be.
Discouraging words roll off your shoulders
You fight to make sure the one you love
Never faces the world on their own.
To be loved unconditionally
Is something you never want to lose,
But sometimes you will.
Sometimes the love lasts forever
And others it's a fleeting feeling
That nobody quite understands.
The worst thing you can do
Is love someone unconditionally
Even when they don't love you back.
It'll drive you to places you don't want to go,
Make you feel things you can't control,
And damn near kill you in the end.