The last two months of my life have been pretty difficult. I have been working through some emotional problems, learning more about who I am and what I want from life, and even how to fall to my knees in moments of pure dispare and cry out to my God for help. One of the biggest things I have noticed throughout all of this is who has been there when I looked up. I somehow ended up with people who love me unconditionally. And, they don't just love me unconditionally, they show me unconditional love. Sometimes I get caught up in all the grey skies, and forget about how much I love the smell of rain. I forgot that rain makes things grow tall and strong.
It all starts with a father that promises me every day that he will be on my side even when I'm wrong. He promises to love me no matter what I do. Knowing that, I have the courage to stand tall in my everyday life decisions.
I have grandparents that give me EVERYTHING. I know that it never matters how much, or what it is, I have two sets of grandparents that provide for my wants and needs. I could not be more thankful for them.
I have a love that is patient. He lets me panic, cry, go totally insane, and uncoil all the hard parts of my heart. He then gently takes me and wraps me up into his arms, and promises that the grey skies will go away. He never hides from the pain, or runs when I desperately pull him closer. He stands tall and firm, even when things don't look so good. He has a family, that loves me as one of their own. They show me unconditional love constantly,
Then, there are the people who stand with me to face the storm, who don't have to. The friends that I am blessed with that cancel appointments to sit with me while I cry, or answer countless text messages filled with my worry, are the people I want in my life for all eternity. There are friends who give me funny cards just to make me smile. There are friends that accept every inch of my tarnished heart. There are people that give me unconditional love constantly.
I am so blessed with unconditional love from people who deserve everything good in the world.