Merry Christmas all!
Yes, Christmas is over, but I still hope you had a merry one! Man, time sure flies, doesn't it? I mean, in just six days, we'll be in 2017. It's already going to be a new year. A tnew year and a new you. Well, biologically; you're still the same person you were before, but you have probably grown spiritually. Yes, sooner or later, we all grow up. This January, I'm going to be 19. This of course doesn't mean we have to lose our childlike imagination or wonder. Christmas is a prime example of this. I have a saying: "I'll mature, but I'll never grow up!" Basically, I don't ever want to lose my imagination from my childhood, but I will meet God's expectations and responsibilities for me with a glad and willing heart.
Speaking of growing up, my eldest niece is going to be 12 this year! She's almost a teenager. It's crazy to think about. She's already been around for over a decade! I can still recall when we first got the news almost twelve years ago. I was six and my second oldest sister was eight. We were both excited. Looking back, I'm not quite sure why I was excited... But I was! I think my sister was excited because it was as if she was going to be an older sister again. I think this because I felt that way when our oldest nephew was born two years later. Watching throughout the years, she really has been an older sister to our nieces (we have two nieces now), just as I have been an older brother to our nephews (we have four now).
Being an uncle has been quite enjoyable. At first, I only saw my eldest sister and her kids maybe once a month, but they soon lived only a mile down the street. It was sad when they moved out to a bigger house as they had exceeded the comfortable living capacity of their much smaller house. They got an amazing deal on the house though, so praise the Lord for that. The visits are pretty few and far between again, but since I got my truck three years ago, it wasn't so bad. We visit them any and every chance we get. In fact, I just spent three days at their house.
My sister and I have taught my nieces and nephews lots of things, but we've also learned a lot. I know that I've learned many things about being responsible, courageous and never giving up. If I can't endure an obstacle in my life, what will that say to the future generation? My eldest sister and brother-in-law have been doing an incredible job raising six kids and want them to grow up strong in the Lord. So do I. I want to show my nieces and especially my nephews what it is to be strong in the Lord and selfless before men. This is a challenge I will happily take on. Not just for them, but for myself as well, and above all, God.
Have a Happy New Year Everyone! I encourage you to take on the challenge God sets before you. I guarantee you will be glad you did.
God Bless!
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."
Hebrews 12:1