Here Is The UNC Library For Your Zodiac Sign | The Odyssey Online
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You Probably Haven't Been Studying In The Right Place, Here Is The UNC Library For Your Zodiac Sign

PSA: If you hate your library, just go to the Union instead.

You Probably Haven't Been Studying In The Right Place, Here Is The UNC Library For Your Zodiac Sign
Tiffany Small

I've based these assignments on very thorough, totally scientific astrological research and a super intimate familiarity with UNC's library resources. You can trust me.

1. Aries: Stone Center Library

You adventurous members of the Aries tribe should enjoy the trek to the gorgeous Stone Center, and maybe your competitive nature won't have to pop off since you're not fighting for a table as you would be in Davis.

2. Taurus: Davis Library 1-4

Patient, adaptable Tauruses will do just fine in the hustle and bustle of the lower Davis floors (mainly one and two, but I'll give you three and four, too).

3. Gemini: SILS Library

You expressive and curious masters of wit will be perfectly comfortable in the SILS Library in Manning Hall. It's not exactly a hidden gem(ini), but you won't have to deal with all the locals in the UL or Davis. Hurrah!

4. Cancer: The Sloane Art Library

You Cancers are known for your imaginative, emotional natures. This little library, tucked away in Hanes Art Center, has been calling your name all semester.

5. Leo: The Music Library

Leos are notoriously creative and outgoing. Music is like a conduit for your personality traits, so the Music Library was practically made for you. Go liven it up a bit!

6. Virgo: Wilson Library

Tiffany Small

Virgos are the ones who give you the stink eye if you breathe a word on the second floor of Davis, so I've relegated all of us to Wilson. We fancy. (We're also modest but analytical, fussy worriers but meticulous and diligent. Go us.)

7. Libra: The Law Library

All of you diplomatic Libra kings and queens will find your study home in the Law Library. I'd never heard of the Law Library before I googled UNC libraries for this article, but I've also never met a Libra, so it fits!

8. Scorpio: Kenan Science Library

The ever resourceful, passionate Scorpios will love Kenan Science Library. I mean, isn't it cute? Study in style, bois.

9. Sagittarius: The Chapel Hill Public Library


Did I use this library because I'm running out of UNC ones or because I want all the Sagittariuses to leave campus? The world may never know. Whatever the case, you extroverted kings and queens are sure to make it out there in the real world.

10. Capricorn: Davis Library Floors 5-8

You belong in the stacks because you're so independent and disciplined and driven. Kudos to you for having the willpower and motivation to keep working.

11. Aquarius: Health Sciences Library

Aquariuses are friendly and independent, and you'll all enjoy the views from the upper floors of the Health Sciences Library. Plus, with the comfy chairs and the coffee shop inside, what's not to love?

12. Pisces: The UL

Those of the Pisces zodiac are compassionate and selfless—i.e. you can tolerate the frequent comings and goings of your fellow students. The UL is conveniently and centrally located, so waste no time and get right to it. Woot, studying!

So, have you been studying in the right place? Or do you think I'm the one who's wrong?

If you haven't been to your library before, now is the time to do some campus exploring! But, you know, you could always just go to the same place you always go to study. Who needs a sense of adventure, anyway?

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