Throughout life, we all come across those random moments and wonder how did that happen? Where did that come from? How did they meet? Who came up with that idea? These questions usually are up in the air and no one has an answer for them. Here are some random questions that I've always wondered, and I know you probably have, too.
1. How do automatic sinks change the temperature of the water?
Seriously, it's either water from hell or straight from the arctic ocean.
2.How did the term "piggy back ride" come about?
*pig hops on other pig's back for fun and runs around*
3. How did the creators of Crayola Crayons decide to come up with such strange names?
Unmellow yellow? Banana mania? They're just all yellow...
4. Do caterpillars know they get to grow up to become butterflies or is it just a magical change one day?
5.Why do people sneeze when looking at the sun and/or bright lights?
I mean, most people usually squint when looking at it anyway.
6. Why does orange juice taste horrible after brushing your teeth?
Like, a lot worse than everything else? I don't get it.
7. Who was the first person to discover milk came from a cow?
They clearly were doing some dirty things to discover that one.
8. How many bowls of cereal is too many bowls of cereal?
The limit does not exist, right?
9. How does time feel like it goes by slow or fast something when really it's going at the same pace all the time?
I guess time really does fly when you're having fun.
10. Do you think celebrities send screenshots of other celebrities tweets and texts to each other?
*Beyonce screenshots Taylor's tweets and send it to Nicki*
11. If you're bald, what color hair do they say you have on your drivers license?
12. How can something be "new and improved?"
It's one or the other, it's either new, or it's improved
13. Why is there an expressions "slept like a baby" when babies don't sleep for that long?
Does it mean you had a good nap? Did you sleep really well for a short amount of time? I need answers.
14. Do Chinese people get english words tattooed on their bodies?
15. Do you wake up and then open your eyes or open your eyes and then wake up?
16. Are the kids who act in "R" rated movies allowed to go see them?
I mean, they acted them out so I guess it's only right to see themselves acting out the scary thing they aren't really supposed to see, but acted out anyway, right?
17. Why do sandwiches taste better cut into triangles than any other way?
I guess we'll never know the answers, but if you have one, feel free to comment them. There really is no such thing as a wrong answer in this case.