We've all read the books, watched the movies, reread the books, and watched the movies over and over, but there are still some questions left unanswered. There are some regular life occurrences that aren't addressed at all in the books (or the movies), which leaves me wondering if Harry Potter ever brushed his teeth.
Here is a list of unanswered questions we all have about J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series. (Ms. Rowling, if you're reading this, please answer these questions).
1. How often do they shower? Do they even shower?
The only time we know Harry Potter took a bath was in the fourth book when he had to open the clue for the second task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament underwater.
2. How often do they use the bathroom?
Bathrooms were mentioned a few times early on in the series, but not much after that.
3. Do they wash their robes?
They have a specific number of robes they need to take so I'm assuming they have to wash them, right? Especially since Harry and his friends are constantly running around so they're bound to get sweaty.
4. Do they brush their teeth/wash their faces?
Do they even have bathrooms in their towers?
5. Where was Luna Lovegood in the first four books?
Is she a transfer student?
6. Do the students actually dress up for class everyday or is that just in the movies?
7. Where is the wizarding school in the United States located?
Can I go there?
8. What did Aunt Petunia really think of her sister?
She couldn't have hated Lily that much. There is a line in the last book that tells us that Petunia was about to say something while saying goodbye to Harry for the last time but she never says it. What was she going to say? Was it about her sister?
9. Did Voldemort have a vault at Gringotts Bank?
If he did, did he just prance in and go to the vault? Or did he send people to get money out for him? Even though he had many loyal followers, I don't think he would trust anyone with his money.
10. Did Voldemort eat? What was his favorite food?
11. Why didn't Harry Potter ever get in trouble when using the "lumos" spell outside of school?
Maybe it's not considered a real spell because it's just used for light? I've always wondered this.
12. What goes on in the Department of Mysteries?!?!?!?!
Even though I'm pretty sure this part is meant for us to question, it still bothers me that we don't have a complete explanation as to what goes on behind all of those closed doors.
13. How do the witches and wizards of the UK vote on their ministers of magic?
Do they even get to vote? Or is someone just appointed?
14. Why do the Dursley's continue to pick them up at the end of the school years?
If they hate him that much, why wouldn't they just leave him stranded? Or better yet, why didn't they let him stay with the Weasley's?
15. Is there a wizarding study abroad program?
According to J.K. Rowling, there are 11 wizarding schools all around the world. Could students travel to other wizarding schools in other countries for a semester or a year? Were there any exchange programs?
16. How does Dumbledore know everything?
I don't understand how he just KNOWS everything that happens.
17. What is deal with the owls?
How did they become magical?
18. How do Snape and Voldemort randomly fly?
What kind of magic is that?
19. Is there a spell for everything?
Can anyone just make up a spell and perform it? Is there a process to creating a charm or a spell?
20. Were all of the Death Eaters at Hogwarts during the Battle of Hogwarts or were there other battles going on elsewhere?
21. Why didn't other countries/magical governments help fight Lord Voldemort?
They must've known about The Dark Lord so why didn't they help? If they weren't able to defeat Voldemort and the Death Eaters during the Battle of Hogwarts, he would've taken over Great Britain and then would presumably go on to conquer the rest of the magical world (and eventually the muggle world, too). If that were to happen, it would've become a problem for the other countries, too, so why didn't they help the Brits?
22. How did Voldemort get a body again?
The last time we saw him, before he had his own body, was when he was living inside Professor Quirrel's turban. Before Quirrel died, he turned into some sort of black vapor. How did he go from vapor to a baby (before Peter Pettigrew did the whole ceremony in the fourth book)? WHERE DID THE BODY COME FROM?
23. Did the students ever throw parties?
Besides the post Quidditch victory parties, it didn't really look like they ever had parties. Just something I've always wondered. Maybe the professors partied though ...
24. Where do the professors sleep?
Where are their bedrooms? We know Dumbledore's is somewhere in his office but where are the rest? I wonder what Snape's room looks like ...
25. Why didn't Harry see the thestrals from the very beginning?
Luna explains to him that you see thestrals only if you've seen death (he saw them after he witnessed Cedric Diggory die). But technically, he saw his parents get killed so why didn't he see them from his very first year?
Just some questions I've always wondered while reading and rereading the famous series. If you find the answers somewhere, please let me know!