It was New Year’s Eve and midnight was approaching slowly, but nonetheless still coming. Everyone was sharing memories of their past year, but of course, they were all happy moments that they experienced. And out of nowhere this man proclaims, “Fuck this, 2015 sucked and I am not going to pretend like it didn’t.” His best friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year and is most likely going to die sometime in the next six months.
He ranted about how it doesn’t make sense that someone’s life is coming to an end because of this terrible disease. How is their no cure or nothing that he can do for his friend that can make it go away? You could hear his voice feeling helpless. He was mad at the world for not having an answer. His friend’s chemotherapy wasn’t working and the doctors said there was nothing they could do. With no one responding, I jumped into the conversation saying how terrible it is, but attempted to look into a bigger picture. Looking back 100 or even 50 years ago, just look how far we have come in society about finding answers to questions the world never knew before.
Then in that moment, after a few glasses of champagne, I had a revelation thought. Wondering, will there ever be a day where we have all the questions of the world are answered?
There are endless amount of questions, cures and issues that society has yet to uncover the answer too. There are so many lives that have been taken for reasons that we don’t know, or how to fix it. In a short amount of time society has excelled in so many aspects, medically, technologically, scientifically, which has helped in ways once unimaginable.
The optimist in me wants to believe that there will be a day where we find the cure to cancer. But, once that day does come there will still be another question or issue to solve. So as I do wish there will be day where all the questions of the world are answered, my pessimistic side thinks that it is merely impossible.
Will we ever find out how the world actually started? Why time exists? Is the universe infinite? What happens after death?
The world we all live in is constantly questioned and there will consistently be another question that has yet to have a definite answer. Yet, that doesn’t mean we stop trying, just because one question could just lead to just another. What I believe, life is truly about is constantly trying to improve yourself and the world. That does not mean that you are sure about everything, but are always growing.
Just because there might not be a day that everything is figured out doesn’t mean that you give up. Just because life does not make sense doesn’t mean you should stop living or moving forward. Bad situations will always be coming into life, and sometimes for no reason at all.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you,” said Neil deGrasse Tyson.