I haven't quite figured out how having an extra summer term or winter term at the University of Maryland is worth the sanity of their fall semester students. We have spent countless all-nighters cramming for midterms we only hope to pass and for what? Absolutely nothing. After two (plus), long, tiring weeks of midterms and exhausting papers, UMD, I think we deserve a few days off.
Every year while I am crying into my textbooks in McKeldin, and fiercely rubbing Testudo's nose in hopes to pass my exams, all my friends from schools across the country are on their way home. Home to their mom's good food, home to their adorable dogs, home to minimal to no schoolwork, all why we at UMD are dying. I know that they too, have just survived the inevitable death of midterms but at least they get a few days to recover in the comfort of their own bed.
I am not sure what's worse after the first round of midterms, my mental health or my actual physical health. It never fails that I am cursed with the UMD plague during or right after midterms (a direct result from all of the stress and lack of sleep). This plague is like no other, you don't get to have a few easy days to recover, instead you have to power through or you could just fail. It's up to you really. And don't even get my started about my mental health after taking six plus exams in such a short amount of time. I think midterm week(s) was actually designed to make you feel like the biggest failure and that you are going nowhere in life.
There are so many advantages to having a fall break too. For starters, what about all of the students that can't go home for Thanksgiving break because of the outrageous prices? UMD, it's seriously a couple hundred dollars cheaper for some to travel during some random weekend in October than the weekend of Thanksgiving. And how about the fact that we will actually get to spend some quality time with our family-- seriously by mid-October most kids miss their mom, even if it's just for good food. And speaking of food, a fall break would mean we get to finally eat well for a few days instead of the disgusting, greasy food in the diner. Additionally, the kids that always seem to have a beer in their hand would have a few days to detoxify from their excessive alcohol intake.
A few days to recover from hell-week (aka midterm week) would benefit each of your students in more ways than one. UMD-- we need a fall break.