Summer brings lots of activities, water parks, swimming, lake days and most importantly, Netflix. However, deciding what to watch can sometimes seem like a daunting task. That is why I have created the ultimate guide on what to watch this summer. Watch one or watch them all, the choice is up to you (Although I definitely suggest that you watch them all).
TV Shows
1. "One Tree Hill"
This is my current obsession and let me just tell you, it is amazing! Get ready for an emotional roller coaster. You will laugh, cry, and rejoice with the citizens of Tree Hill. Definitely a staple show that everyone should watch.
2. "Parenthood"
"Parenthood" has the amazing ability to show a family truly dealing with everything life brings their way. By the end, I definitely felt as if I was part of the Braverman family and you will too!
3. "Friends"
This is definitely a classic show that everyone should watch. Even if you have already seen them all, it is so fun to go back and watch them all again! You will laugh harder than ever before!
4. "Pretty Little Liars"
"Pretty Little Liars" is the perfect mix of high school drama and murder mystery. This will definitely keep you on your toes!
5. "Gilmore Girls"
Rory and Lorelai are definitely mother/daughter goals, as the kids say. Watch this duo grow up together as they figure out their life plans. This is truly a personal favorite of mine.
6. "How I Met Your Mother"
If you haven't already watched this show then seriously, what are you doing with your life? I'm just kidding, kind of. This show will bring you so much joy as you watch the gang go through life with each other by their side. By the end, you will have so many emotions but mainly you'll still be wondering where the pineapple came from and where you can buy a yellow umbrella
7. "Parks and Recreation"
For some reason, the consensus on this show is to skip straight to the second season. I don't know why but I would definitely recommend this. You'll fall in love with these characters and find yourself at 4 a.m. still watching. It's OK, I don't judge.
8. "Orange is the New Black"
This is the perfect time to start OITNB! With the new season, now there are even more episodes for you to enjoy! You'll thank me on this one!
9. "Grey's Anatomy"
If you haven't heard of this show then you're probably living under a rock. This show has taken a mass amount of people by storm and although I have not started this myself, it is definitely on my summer list!
10. "Glee"
This show might not be for everyone but if you love music and can enjoy a cool cover or nifty mashup with a hint of high school drama then you will love it! Go ahead and sing along while you're at it. You know you want to.
11. "90210"
Although I have not seen the original series, this remake is one that I have watched numerous times, you will find the character you identify with and fall in love with them.
12. "Gossip Girl"
This is another on my summer list, that I am so excited to check out and you should too! I have watched the first episode and I am already hooked!
13. "Jane the Virgin"
I watched the entirety of "Jane the Virgin" in less than two weeks. Yes, it is that good. I love the mix of regular life for Jane with the underpinning of suspense. Trust me, if you watch it, you will understand too!
14. "Fuller House"
If you loved "Full House" then you will definitely love the new series, "Fuller House." Catch up with some of the people we fell in love with as children and see what they're up to now in the grown up world.
15. "Revenge of the Bridesmaids"
If you are in the mood to laugh then this will definitely do the trick. Watch all of the hilarious schemes these bridesmaids plan to bring down the wedding!
16. "Legally Blonde"
Watch as Elle Woods brings an entirely new meaning to "girl power." You will laugh the whole time and maybe even consider going into Law. Oh and by the way, there is also a "Legally Blonde: the Musical." You're welcome!
17. "Tarzan"
Honestly, any Disney movie will work for this one. You can't go through the summer without at least one Disney movie marathon.
19. "Silver Linings Playbook"
This movie is a good one when you just want to watch a movie. You will laugh at times, and sit in silence at others, but when it is over you will be so glad you watched.
20. "Charlie St. Cloud"
Who doesn't love a good Zac Efron movie, whether you choose this one or another, this will definitely help heat up your summer. If you do choose this one though, grab some tissues.
21. "The Gabby Douglas Story"
For those of you who don't know, Gabby Douglas is the first American gymnast who will be attempting to return to the summer Olympics and defend her title. She has an amazing story to tell and this is the perfect movie to watch before Rio 2016.
Happy binge-watching!