Graduation is right around the corner, which means lots of senior activities the week leading up to it. How many of the following can you complete before walking across the stage in your cap and gown?
1. Drink every day
2. Jump in every fountain
3. Do a campus bar crawl
4. Explore every building on campus one last time
5. Sleep one whole day away
6. Revisit your freshman dorm
7. Have one last go at your favorite frat house
8. Have a study abroad reunion
9. Win the last Tuesday Trivia night
10. Be the last one on the dance floor at a party
11. Get drinks with your favorite professors
12. Eat at a dining hall
13. Pull a nonacademic all nighter
14. Plan a day trip with your friends to the mountains or the beach
15. Shotgun with your parents post commencement
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