I know that no one actually makes tapes anymore. We don’t record off the radio or tape over promotional tapes from record stores. But music is still a currency that we use to make exchanges with those around us. Thanks to the digital age, it is now easier than ever to string together a group of songs to show others how we feel or what we love.
Some people like mixes to have rhyme and reason. Some people like each mix to have flow or a theme, and I’ve made my fair share of mixes that are clean and organized. This morning, as I write this, I am drinking a lot of coffee and thinking about how amazing it is that there is so much music to listen to.
The sheer volume of music I have available at my fingertips inspired me to try and put together the “Meg Douds Ultimate Mixtape of Everything you NEED to Listen to at Least One Time in your Life even if you Hate it and Never Listen to it Again.” That didn’t fit in the title space. So. In no particular order because then I would just be picking favorites… here we go.
The Airborne Toxic Event, “Sometime Around Midnight”
This song is one of the all time best broken heart anthems. Even if you’ve never had your heart broken, this will make you feel stuff.
Amos Lee, “Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight”
You have to make sure you listen to the Live at Red Rocks version because there’s so much emotion behind it.
Moon Taxi, “Run Right Back”
This song is just happy and awesome. You’ll sing it forever.
Michael Jackson, “Billie Jean”
Can you even make a list of favorite songs without having MJ on it? I can’t.
Blue October, “Home”
Even though it was released in 2016, it aligns with my extreme affinity for 90s music and is too great.
Brand New, “Seventy Times 7”
This is the ultimate song to scream to when you’re angry. Put this on repeat and go for a drive. This is also on one of the best albums.
Frank Sinatra, “Come Fly With Me”
I have a special place in my heart for all Frank Sinatra music, but this one is especially romantic and perfect.
Tame Impala, “Apocalypse Dreams”
This song reminds me of summer.
Foals, “My Number”
This whole album is great, but there’s something about this groove that always makes me play it twice.
Fleetwood Mac, “Rhiannon”
Their self-titled is in my opinion the best, and this is my favorite song off that album. Everyone has their Rhiannon.
The Black Crowes, “She Talks To Angels”
I just really have a thing for 90s music and this song has been a favorite for a while.
NWA, “Straight Out of Compton”
90s rap was too good and I had trouble only putting one song on this list.
John Mayer, “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room”
Pretty much anything by Mr. Mayer could have been in this spot, but this track off of Continuum will forever be a favorite.
Stevie Ray Vaughn, “Love Struck Baby”
Okay Texas Flood is perfection, and this is the opening track. It’s my favorite album to listen to while driving. SRV grooves.
Conway Twiddy, “I’d Love to Lay You Down”
This is quickly becoming one of my favorite love songs.
James Taylor, “Fire and Rain”
I grew up listening to James Taylor and he will be my #1 man forever.
Steve Moakler, “Be Your Man”
Steve Moakler went to my high school so I force almost everyone I meet to listen to at least one song because how cool is that?
Dave Matthews Band, “Crash into Me"
Sweet you rock and sweet you roll, Mr. Matthews.
Tom Waits, “I Hope That I Don’t Fall in Love with You”
I also apparently really like songs about people falling in love in bars.
The White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army”
This song makes me feel like I can do absolutely anything. It’s the ultimate “conquer this day” song.
I had a lot of trouble keeping this from getting outrageously long, but here it is. If I were going to make you a mixtape of songs I wanted you to listen to, this would be it. Enjoy.